Fisher and Vernon battled the heat to take wins in Round 4 of National Downhill Series

Fisher and Vernon battled the heat to take wins in Round 4 of National Downhill Series

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The fourth round of the National Downhill Series saw elite wins for Stacey Fisher and Taylor Vernon in a very hot and dry Caersws, Wales. 

The unprecedented heatwave meant that the Caersws track had turned to dust, leaving the riders fighting for grip as well as desperately trying to stay cool in the 30-degree heat. 

In the women’s elite category, Stacey Fisher broke the two-minute barrier – the only woman to do so – to take the win by over four seconds, showing that the confidence she has gained from the World Cup has really started to take effect. Aston Tutt followed in second and Anna Craig in third. 

It was tight at the top of the men’s elite field with just 0.25seconds separating third to fifth place. Taylor Vernon took his first ever elite national series win this weekend, with some incredible performances, leaving many of his fellow World Cup elite riders unable to close the gap on him. In second was Ad Brayton, who had to wait the length of the entire elite race in the hot seat before Vernon took the top spot. Joe Breeden narrowly beat Roger Vieira and Luke Williamson to complete a podium of entirely World Cup riders. 

National Downhill series round 4, rider shot mid air on track in Caersws, Wales.

There was a strong turnout across all the women’s field this weekend. In the junior women’s field, reigning national champion Beth McCully took yet another dominant win by a massive nine seconds on a two-minute track. Nina-Yves Cameron came home in second and Carrie Copson in third. A notable mention goes to Heather Wilson in the 13-16 field, crossing the line a full 16 seconds ahead of her competitors, which would have placed her fourth overall in the women's field. 

The junior men’s field was littered with reruns due to red flags on track, with many riders having to complete two race runs. Archie Townsend looked smooth on his way to first place, followed by Jake Cartlidge in second, and Brandon Turner in third. 

The riders race next at Revolution Bike Park to finish off the series on 17 September.

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