Thursday 23 February will see a three hour parliamentary debate on cycling safety, brought about due to intense activity from The Times newspaper, the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (APPCG), British Cycling and other groups as part of the UK Cycling Alliance (UKCA).
WATCH THE DEBATE: You’ll be able to watch the debate live from 2:30 on 23 February at Parliament Live TV |
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Link to Parliament Live TV |
As the debate approaches, British Cycling has been in direct contact with Secretary of State for Transport Justine Greening MP, urging fundamental change in the Department for Transport’s approach to policy making. British Cycling believes that the interests of cyclists must be integrated into all transport policy and decisions on the use of the road and that “cycling safety must be seen as integral to, and not a bolt-on to, road policy.” A letter summarising this request can be read here.
British Cycling member and All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group chair Ian Austin MP will attend the debate in which Transport Secretary Justine Greening will answer questions on a range of issues including; the government's financial and political commitment to cycling; urban speed limits; cycling infrastructure; road user training; HGV safety and law enforcement. Prior to the debate Austin said; “With all the momentum created by the Times campaign and supported by so many of our athletes we have a chance of making a real difference to cycling in this country and this debate will be a key stage on that journey”.
The likely topics for discussion: Political commitment; Spending; Speed Limits; Infrastructure; Road user training; HGVs; Enforcement and sentencing* |
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* from the joint briefing paper for MPs, prepared for the debate by British Cycling in collaboration with CTC, Sustrans and others. |
The debate will cover the key points of British Cycling’s Road Safety Manifesto, a six point plan which aims to engender greater mutual respect between road users. In a recent interview on BBC Breakfast, British Cycling President Brian Cookson stressed the importance of mutual respect between motorists and cyclists as well as the opportunities for further growth in all types of cycling as London 2012 approaches. This echoed the issues raised in Cookson’s recent open letter to mayoral candidates, urging them to give London the mass participation cycling Olympic legacy that the city deserves.
We are also asking our members to support the London Cycling Campaign’s ‘Go Dutch petition’. You don’t have to live in London so please all members get involved.
During and after the debate which will be televised live on Parliament Live TV, British Cycling will report on its key outcomes and will invite your comments through our social media channels. We would urge you to pledge your support to The Times’ ‘Cities Fit for Cycling’ campaign and keep the pressure on for fundamental changes in cycling safety policy.
WATCH THE DEBATE: The Parliamentary debate will be screened live on Parliament Live TV - click here and bookmark the page.