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Go-Ride Conferences open to record numbers

Go-Ride Conferences open to record numbers

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The opening weekend of March 2013 saw British Cycling’s annual Go-Ride Conferences kick off in Dartford on Saturday 1st, before moving to Leicester on Sunday 2nd. Each event saw over 100 club coaches, volunteers and welfare officers join British Cycling staff for a day of discussion using the Go-Ride programme as the template for club development.

Volunteers participated in a busy programme of bespoke workshops for the majority of the day, with topics addressing areas of child development, safeguarding, club marketing and management. The final session then saw delegates congregate for the Go-Ride Awards, which recognise an individual volunteers continuing dedication to the sport of cycling.

Three more Go-Ride Conference dates are planned for this month, and although a further 300 volunteers are already signed up for events in Manchester, Bridgwater and Reading, places are still available for interested club volunteers. Details of which can be found here.

Feedback from both days has been positive with comments such as:

  • "The Conference has given me confidence in the role and clear points of contact at British Cycling. I have made contact and exchanged contact details with other local club welfare officers.
  • “Thank you for a stimulating and enjoyable day. Professionally organised and run with a friendly smile.”
  • “Excellent delivery and presentation from very knowledgeable tutors.”

A full outline of all available workshops has been posted online over the past few weeks and has been organised by role so please click the relevant link for more information: Coaches, Club Volunteers, Club Welfare Officers, Young Volunteers

If you haven’t yet booked your place at one of the remaining Go-Ride Conferences, please feel free to download the online Invitation and return it via email to:


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