Report: British Cycling
British Cycling is pleased to announce the launch of the new Assistant Circuit Commissaire Course.
The course is aimed at people new to officiating and those who want to support their local closed circuit events. Interested? It is only a four hour course and takes you through the commissaires role pre, during and post event. There is also an short online learning module which covers the role of the commissaire, safeguarding, anti-doping and conflict management.
The next step is to get out there and gain experience at events, which is recorded in a logbook. Once you feel confident you have all the experience you need to be a commissaire at a regional event and you have attended a minimum of six events and completed the various roles e.g. gear checking, sign on, judging, Assistant Commissaire and acting as Chief Commissaire, you can send your logbook in to be upgraded.
The course can also be attended by anyone who is already a road commissaire and wanting to recap on the closed circuit elements of their role.
Still interested? Why not book on the next course, to find out when it is contact your Regional Events Officer (REO) by clicking here