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Report: 2011 Hillingdon GP
15 May 2011 | Hillingdon Circuit | Promoted By: BC West Thames | Event Listing
Report & Images: Andy Whitehouse
Rider Blog: Sarah Byrne
A remarkable finish to the women's race was the highlight of a fine day's racing at the Hillingdon circuit. We've got a full report and lots of images from Andy Whitehouse, plus some video clips of the race finishes - don't miss the women's race finish, in particular!
Women's Race Images
Men's Race Images
Support Race Images
Women's Race: A dead heat between Lucy Garner(Motorpoint) and Hannah Rice(Horizon/Pendras) made for an exciting climax in the Women's GP - a round of the national Women's Road and Circuit Series - at the Hillingdon cycle circuit. An incident free race was welcomed after the serious crashes of the previous year but the race still gave some close racing.
Thirty four laps of the tight circuit saw attacks coming thick and fast but no one could have predicted the final outcome of the day. A brisk start saw Anna Fisher(Abus nutrixxon) head up the bunch for the opening laps, proceedings then stayed pretty much status quo for much the first half of the race with small attacks going off the front but with a small circuit things were soon bought under control by the bunch.
With the half race distance fast approaching Hannah Rich and Cath Wiggins made a jump off the front with Amy Roberts(Cardiff Ajax) trying to make the gap and it looked a promising break but again the bunch reeled the attackers in. Motorpoint's Hannah Barnes was keeping an eye on things for the whole race and looked to be setting the pace in the bunch.
More breaks were forming as the lap counter turned over: Lowri Bunn(Abergevenny RC) and local rider Jayne Paine(Willesdon CC) tried in vain to escape and again Paine tried with Sarah Byrne (VC ST Rapael/Waites) but soon the Willesdon rider was dropped by Byrne who looked strong enough to go for a long break - but again it was to no avail and things came together in the closing laps to force a bunch sprint.
Coming into the line, it looked like Rich was going to take the win as Garner appeared boxed in but the young Motorpoint rider found a way through and threw the bike over the line. A ten minute debate ensued over the photo finish and whichever way the judges looked at the screen there was no getting away from the result, a dead heat.
Lucy Garner commenting on the race said: "A dead heat..I got a boxed in towards the end so I had to swing right over the road and make a lunge for the line. Hannah Barnes was doing a lot of work on the front, it wasn't planned for me to go for the finish but I don't think she really wanted anyone to go away today. I didn't chase anyone down today and use my energy so I just followed the wheels and luckily it came down to a sprint.You can't really get away on this course and it was quite windy out there but it's another win!"
And joint winner Hannah Rich said: "Quite a good result and a nice payout always helps.The race went well, I got in a few of the moves and we kept away for a few laps but that isn't really my speciality but the team were always there. Things got a bit sketchy on the last lap but it always does, a lot better then last year with the accidents and the ambulances. The standard in the women's racing has improved a lot: its actually nice to race in the U.K and get some good racing out of it. I'm in the U.K for the next few months and I've got the tour series and the Nationals the back out to Belgium!"
See first video below for that incredibly close finish. This is the photo-finish evidence of the finish:
Also from the 2011 Hillingdon GP are videos from MCJ Media (www.mcjmedia.com):
That remarkable finish of the Women's Race
Men's Race: A fine win by Tom Barras(www,cyclepremier/Metaltek) made for an unexpected result in the senior mens race. The Raleigh team had set their stall out from the gun with attacks coming thick and fast from the riders in blue and white but with the early pace so fast the bunch were always going to reel the attacks in. It was to be a five man escape that would dictate the day's racing when Yanto Barker (pendragon), James Sparling (Raleigh), Phil Mooney (Raleigh), William Bjergfelt (Motorpoint) and Barras made the jump at around twenty laps in.
With a little over thirty laps remaining no one could have expected the break to stay away with Barras sitting in and policing the leaders for team mate Tony Gibb who eventually realized after a number of mechanical issues his race was effectively over for the day and Barras was allowed to race for the win.
The chase was on for the bunch and the UK Youth and Willier teams were on the front orchestrating the moves but the break away had got around a thirty second gap and were managing to ride well together to keep the chase at bay.
With no other teams interested in working to chase the break down, the impetus went out of the pursuit and the break were never again in any real danger of being caught. With the final few laps approaching Raleigh's Ryan Parnes made the jump to the lead group and now with the team boasing three riders in the break, the win was expected to come from one of the Raleigh riders. However, it was Tom Barras who proved to have the fresher legs for the sprint taking the win from Ryan Parnes and William Bjergfelt.
Tom Barras spoke to Andy Whitehouse after the race:
"That win was good, its taken some doing this year, I've had three or four seconds, I keep getting beaten in the sprint so I was happy to finish it off today. The group was working well, I didn't come in for the first half of the race, my team orders were to work for Tony(Gibb) - obviously he's the fastest finisher but with around thirty laps to go we were looking like we were going to stay away, so I started to work. Raleigh were riding well and credit also to Yanto and Will who were working really hard and I am really happy to eventually win for Cyclepremier/Metaltek.
More video from MCJ Media (www.mcjmedia.com):
Finish of the Men's Race
Support Race Finish
Women's Race (National Women's Road & Circuit Series)
1 Lucy Garner Motorpoint 01:20:20
1 Hannah Rich Horizon Fitness/Prendas st
3 Marianne Britten VC St Raphael/Waites st
4 Amy Roberts Cardiff Ajax CC st
5 Hannah Barnes Motorpoint st
6 Hannah Manley Tm For Viored st
7 Hannah Walker Motorpoint st
8 Janet Birkmyre XRT-Elmy Cycles st
9 Louise Moriarty Look Mum No Hands RT st
10 Charlotte Colclough Tm For Viored st
11 Lydia Boylan Look Mum No Hands RT st
12 Hannah Layland VC St Raphael/Waites st
13 Estelle Rogers Rollapaluza CC st
14 Dyanne Holland Inverse RT/CyClaim st
15 Ceri Dipple Twenty3c-Orbea st
16 Lowri Bunn Abergavenny RC st
17 Corrine Hall Tm Corridori st
18 Jackie Garner Private Member st
19 Lindsay Clarke Fenland Clarion st
20 Delia Beddis Dulwich Paragon st
21 Jayne Paine Willesden CC st
22 Nicola Juniper A W Cycles/Giant st
23 Caroline Harding A W Cycles/Giant st
24 Sarah Byrne VC St Raphael/Waites st
25 Gillian Taylor Badtn/Fred baker Cycles st
26 Cath Wiggins Liverpool Mercury st
27 Emily Barnes Rapha Condor st
28 Natalie Hill VC St Raphael/Waites st
29 Kate Hewett Mule Bars Girls st
30 Cher Owens A W Cycles/Giant st
31 Monica Da Polenza A W Cycles/Giant st
32 Stephanie May Tm Quest/The Bike Shop st
33 Rohan Battison Tm For Viored st
34 Joanna Le Cocq Inverse RT/CyClaim st
35 Louise Mahe Sutton CC/De Ver Cycles st
36 Eleanor Jones VC St Raphael/Waites st
37 Nicole Walters Primal Europe/rutrainingtoday st
38 Xieyue Fan Look Mum No Hands RT at 6 secs
39 Anna Fischer Abus Nutrixxon st
40 Ella Sadler-Andrews Horizon Fitness/Prendas st
42 Maria Cahill Badtn/Fred baker Cycles st
43 Lucinda Insall-Jones Private Member st
DNF Annabel Simpson Horizon Fitness/Prendas
DNF Hayley Edwards Halesowen A & CC
DNF Katie Mary Noakes Inverse RT/CyClaim
DNF Siobhan McNamara Inverse RT/CyClaim
DNF Claire Beaumont Rapha Condor
DNF Nicci Meadows A W Cycles/Giant
E123 Men's Race
1 Tom Barras WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek 02:02:00
2 Ryan Parnes Tm Raleigh st
3 William Bjergfelt Motorpoint st
4 Yanto Barker Pendragon/Lecol st
5 James Sparling Tm Raleigh st
6 Philip Mooney Tm Raleigh st
7 Lewis Atkins Twenty3c-Orbea 18 SECS
8 James Stewart Team UK Youth st
9 Jonathan Dibben Hargroves Cycles/Specialized st
10 Mark Perry Wilier/Goselfdrive st
11 Gael Lebellec Tm Raleigh st
12 Peter Johnson Pendragon/Le Col/ Colnago st
13 Rafa Rodriguez Segarra Twenty3c-Orbea st
14 Blake Pond Wilier/Goselfdrive st
15 Jake Martin Pendragon/Le Col/ Colnago st
16 Alex PetersON A W Cycles/Giant/High 5 st
17 Richard Marque Felt-Colbornes RT 28SEC
18 Felix English Science in sport.com st
19 Matt Gee Tm Raleigh st
20 Rob Smail WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek st
21 Paul Crook Beyond MTB/West Drayton CC st
22 Jake Hales Tm Corley Cycles/Cervelo st
23 Declan Byrne Brooks Cycles st
24 James Lowslwy-Williams Team UK Youth st
25 Vincent Halpern A W Cycles/Giant/High 5 st
26 Mark Wilmot Tm Quest/The Bike Shop st
27 Grant Bayton Wilier/Goselfdrive st
28 Lee Smith Felt-Colbornes RT st
29 Gruffudd Lewis Team UK Youth st
30 Marcin Bialoblocki Motorpoint st
31 Chris McNamara Team Corley st
32 Daniel Duguid Sigma Sport/Specialized RT st
33 Tom Gallacher Welwyn Wheelers st
34 Rob Scheffler Fremont Bank st
35 Adam Bright Revo racing st
36 Marcel Six Twenty3c-Orbea st
37 Hugh ? Wilier/Goseldrive st
38 Steve Lampier Sigma Sport/Specialized RT st
39 Paul Doel Tm Quest/The Bike Shop st
40 st
41 Ian Rees Wilier/Goselfdrive st
42 John Mozley Pendragon/Le Col/ Colnago st
43 Sylvaine Garde Addiscombe CC st
44 Ben Luckwell Wilier/Goselfdrive st
45 Ben Simmons Team Wiggle st
46 Phil Holloway Southend Wh st
47 Ross Creber WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek st
48 Ashley Finn WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek st
49 st
50 Dale Appleby WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek st
51 Michael Smith Tm Corley Cycles/Cervelo st
52 Greg Mansell Team UK Youth st
53 Pete Wager Felt-Colbornes RT st
54 Justin Hoy Felt-Colbornes RT st
55 John Wager Felt-Colbornes RT st
56 Jeroen Jansen Tm Raleigh st
57 Tom Fitzpatrick Wyndymilla st
58 Jamie Burgan Boneshakerbikes.com st
59 Simon Williams Hillingdon CC st
60 Andy Hargroves Hargroves Cycles/Specialized st
61 Martin Attwood Vanilla Bikes st
62 Jerzy Kuzminski East London Velo st
63 Colin Perry Wilier/Goselfdrive st
64 Gary Chamber Wilier/Goselfdrive st
65 Darren Moore Pendragon/Lecol at 2 .00
66 Mike Inder Thames Velo at 1lap
DNF Chris Opie Pendragon/Le Col/ Colnago
DNF Freddy Johanson Team UK Youth
DNF Filip Rudenstan Team UK Youth
DNF Dominic Gabellini Rapha Condor
DNF Simon Lewis Elite Edwardes
DNF Jeremy Bishop Bigfoot CC
DNF Anthony Gibb WWW.cyclepremier.com/Metaltek
3rd & 4th Category Men's Race
1 James Jackson RG Active Race Team 01:02:03
2 Mark Smith Welwyn Wheelers st
3 Rees Paragon st
4 Ben Spurrier Rapha Condor CC st
5 Raffal Radziej st
6 George Furrell Welwyn Wheelers st
7 Toby Blackman VC Londres st
8 Samuel Sturgeon Team Terminator st
9 Tomas Rem Team Froy Norway st
10 Mike Deeney CCLuton st
11 Vaughan Cuff De Ver st
12 Tony Vickers Pearson st
13 John Donovan CS Gripetto st
14 Alex Tollo London Dynamo st
15 Nick White East London Velo st
16 Hodgers Welwyn Wheelers st
17 David Walls st
18 Nick Smith VC Jubilee st
19 Chris Morrison London Dynamo st
20 Greg Carr st
21 Chris Sevidur Team un Youth st
22 Nat Spurling Finsbury Park` st
23 Jonathan Maheiz Dorwich st
24 Jeff Baird GS Metro st
25 Tom Bowering Private st
26 James Curry Inverse RT/Cyclaim st
27 Samuel Gilzean Welwyn Wheelers st
28 Smith Welwyn Wheelers st
29 Paul Barnard Team Terminator st
30 Duncan Rimmer Modern CRC st
31 Ed Clemens VC10 st
32 Manuel Ravizza London Dynamo st
33 Brent Skinner Beyond MTB/ West Drayton st
34 jJosh Maynard Welwyn Wheelers st
35 Stuart Clapp Private st
36 Bowering Swindon RC st
37 Tom Baskaya Finsbury Park` st
38 Keith Griffin Kingston Wheelers st
39 Henry Farrell Welwyn Wheelers st
40 Neville Smith Cycle Premier st
41 Liam Bremer London Phoenix st
42 Gareth Thomas Kingston Wheelers st
43 Griffiths London Phoenix st
44 William Mc Guinness Rollapaluza
45 Steven Green Thames Velo
46 Adrian Howitt Inverse RT/Cyclaim
British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.