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An Update on our Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy

An Update on our Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy

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Over recent months we have been conducting a full review of our Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy, and today we can provide an update on our progress to date and next steps.


We published our first Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy in October 2020, with a commitment to reviewing it annually or more frequently if circumstances required, recognising the fast-moving nature of both the science and sports policy landscapes.

Following a period of consultation, we published an updated policy in January 2022. In April, the British Cycling Board voted to suspend this policy with immediate effect, pending a full review, to allow us further time for discussion with stakeholders including the sport’s international federation, the UCI.

What does the suspension of the policy mean? 

We remain committed to ensuring that trans and non-binary people are welcomed, supported and celebrated in the cycling community, and the inclusion of these groups within non-competitive activities remains unaffected by the suspension. We are also working to ensure that our workforce and volunteers within the sport, such as Commissaires and club coaches, continue to feel supported in their roles.  

For competitive activities that require Race Licences, trans and non-binary participants who obtained their Race Licence in accordance with the policy when it was in place can continue to use this licence to compete while our review is ongoing. Please note that our Technical Regulations only apply to affiliated events where a British Cycling Race Licence is required, and events which are run under an alternative licensing body may have different eligibility rules. 

Together with today’s update, we have circulated new guidance for affiliated clubs and volunteers, and our team are on hand to provide any further clarification where needed and answer questions on eligibility. You can contact us at

Next steps 

Following the suspension of our policy we established an internal Transgender and Non-Binary Policy Working Group, tasked with recommending a new policy or set of policies and identifying any practical changes needed for it to be successfully implemented. 

This working group is made up of a broad range of representatives from across British Cycling, including those working in National Delivery, Events, Membership, Legal, Compliance, the Great

Britain Cycling Team, Scottish Cycling and Welsh Cycling, amongst others.

It is important that this working group considers the views of those who will likely be affected, including female race licence holders and members of trans and non-binary communities. This consultation process has begun and will conclude in the New Year. The feedback that was submitted during our previous consultation will also be evaluated as part of the review.

Once the new policy has been drafted, we will then ask independent experts to undertake due diligence on both our policy development process and any legal implications, before seeking approval from the British Cycling Board.

Alongside this, we will continue to engage with other National Governing Bodies, both directly and through the Sport and Recreation Alliance, to share insights and learnings. 

The sport of cycling is complex, and British Cycling governs a family of eight very distinct disciplines, each with their own features and Technical Regulations. Within these disciplines, there are also variances in eligibility requirements for certain events. These factors are all being considered as part of the review.

The working group must additionally continue to consider fairness, safety and inclusion, and the international landscape and policies of the UCI, International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee.

We want to ensure that the review and development of the policy is robust, and we understand that this period has caused frustrations. We strive to provide all within our sport the clarity they deserve, aiming for the publication of the new policy in Spring 2023 and regular updates as we approach that milestone. 

Guidance for members and clubs can be accessed here.