British Cycling has today published its revised set of Bye Laws, which come into immediate effect.
The new Bye Laws are available to read here.
Notable changes include:
British Overseas Territories may seek affiliation to the Federation solely for the purpose of entering international events.
Structure and duties of Regional Boards (New Bye Law 3)
Full details of the Regional Boards' structure, rights and responsibilities are detailed in the newly drafted Terms of Reference.
Regional and National Council processes
Regional Council meetings may take place virtually, calling for special meetings.
British Cycling’s Business Services Director, Rod Findlay, explains:
“We are very pleased to be publicising our refreshed Bye Laws after months of consultation, and we would like to thank the countless people involved for their efforts during this process.
“We set ourselves the goal to make sure that these Bye Laws reflected the world we live in today, and we are confident that they will be seen as a positive step by all involved.”
For clarity, British Cycling has also produced a roadmap document, highlighting where changes to the Bye Laws have been made. This can be accessed here.