Risk Management Best Practice

Risk Management Best Practice

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Use, management and maintenance of cycling facilities

We wanted to share with you some important updates and reminders to ensure that your cycling activity takes place in safe environments. This is following the identification of a small number of issues with existing cycling facilities and their general maintenance and we are keen to share these with you to promote safe activity and competition.

Managing activity

It is vitally important that clubs manage their activities in a way which promotes safe and enjoyable cycling for everybody involved. Having comprehensive risk assessments and mitigation measures in place for identified risks, is part of this process and we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the resources available from British Cycling to help you with this:

Useful Documents

In addition, we recognise that some clubs have a wider operating role at their facilities and it is therefore important to be aware of and action the wider operating obligations this brings – guidance to help in this regard is available from Sport England and via the Health & Safety Executive, amongst others: Sport England Club Matters -


HSE guidance and links to further sector guidance:

Affiliated clubs receive some insurance cover from British Cycling – as a reminder, the extent of this cover is articulated in the notes on our website:

Club Insurance

Clubs managing facilities should also consider their governance and, in particular, whether or not they are incorporated. If you are not set up as a company then the committee will be subject to personal liability, which can be avoided. If you are unsure then we would suggest taking specific legal advice.

Some practical notes

Following recent projects delivered via the Places to Ride fund, there have been a small number of issues identified which we would like to share with you. It is important that these and other hazards are properly considered in your risk assessment and mitigation measures.

These are some of the issues identified on several existing BMX tracks, which potentially raise risk management concerns and require appropriate mitigations / resolutions:

•    Potential collision / impact risk with fences near or adjacent to the track edge.
•    Potential collision / impact risk with lighting columns near to the track edge.
•    Exposed lighting cables.
•    Exposed public address system cables.
•    Degradation and potholes to tarmacadam berms.
•    Poor or failing drainage causing ponding on track surface.
•    Damage and degradation to dolomite track surface.
•    Track layout and positions of features increasing risk of collision.

Specifically for BMX tracks, the UCI publishes guidance on track development and also some headline guidance on maintenance and repair:

•    https://www.uci.org/docs/default-source/official-documents/bmx-official-documents/uci-bmx-track-guide-2017-v-final.pdf
•    https://www.uci.org/docs/default-source/official-documents/bmx-official-documents/uci-bmx-track-guide---developing-bmx.pdf
•    https://www.uci.org/docs/default-source/imported-library/uci-bmx-track-guide---developing-bmx---appendix-1---detailed-bmx-track-plan-v2.pdf

Additional advice & support

If you would like additional support or advice, please contact us via facilities@britishcycling.org.uk

If you are planning work on your facility, please ensure only appropriately qualified contractors are used, with good knowledge of relevant standards and guidelines.

If you require funding for any facility works, we have the Crowdfunder ‘Extra Funding’ still available - https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/funds/british-cycling


All of this advice is generic and does not apply to your specific circumstances. As such, for the avoidance of doubt, British Cycling is not accepting any legal liability for your facility, which would remain with the operator/owner under common law and the Occupiers Liability Act. You may well want to take external advice on your situation.

We hope this short update is helpful and wish you a great summer of safe and enjoyable cycle sport.