New BMX Track in Northumberland

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New BMX Track Opens in Northumberland

The Barnesbury CC and the Friends of Gallagher Park joined forces with NE BMX to launch the newest BMX track in the North East. On Saturday 12th March Kelvin Batey - National Senior BMX Champion from Intense Route 55 BMX Team attended and lead coaching of some 60 youngsters keen to get tips on riding the track at Gallagher Park Bedlington from the Champion. Other coaches including Marie Brown and Alex Maclean from BC NE were on hand to cope with the huge demand for coaching on the track by the local youngsters.

3Sixty stunt display team and a fairground were also on hand to support the coaching and racing activity, entertaining the 500 people who attended the free event. The BMX track which cost £70,000 to built from money from Lottery Greener Spaces fund and support from County Councillors has stimulated usage of the parks green space by cyclists, removing them from the local streets where they were causing local Police a problem. Steve McIntosh from Barnesbury CC and who works at Bedlington Police Station said "The day was the culmination of work by myself and the Friends to provide a facility that the kids can call their own, reducing the cycling disorder that was taking place. The idea is to stimulate interest in the sport and perhaps if the club can recruit a qualified coach we can pick up some youngsters and develop their cycling potential, as well as provide more racing opportunities throughout the year".

The club already runs regular off road coaching throughout the year at Gallagher Park, but are keen to further develop the coaching programme into BMX.

Go Ride Race Results

1 Jack Reid
2 Pete Watson Barnesbury CC
3 Elliot Cummins Barnesbury CC

1 Connor Reid
2 Kade Hunter One Bicycle Factory Team
3 Joe Fryer

1 James Hope
2 Jack Watson Barnesbury CC
3 Cameron McEwan

1 Mark Egdell
2 Arron Macgregor
3 Sam Monaghan