British Cycling and London Cycling Campaign remind Johnson of pre-election cycle safety commitments

British Cycling and London Cycling Campaign remind Johnson of pre-election cycle safety commitments

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During the mayoral election campaign and following campaigning work by British Cycling, Johnson promised to put a cycling representative on the London Roads task force and make representations to the Ministry of Justice to change sentencing guidelines for cases involving cycling deaths and serious injuries. Johnson also promised to appoint a cycling commissioner for the capital, helping to ensure that the interests of cyclists are adequately represented. 

In the run up to the 3 May elections, Johnson also agreed to meet three key aims of London Cycling Campaign’s ‘Love London – Go Dutch’ manifesto, which demands high-quality, European-style cycling infrastructure for the capital.

Following Johnson’s re-election, Martin Gibbs, British Cycling Policy and Legal Affairs Director and Dr Ashok Sinha, London Cycling Campaign Chief Executive, were swift to congratulate Johnson and reiterate their appreciation of his cycling commitments.

You can download and read the full letter to Boris Johnson here. (PDF)

LINK: British Cycling Road Safety Homepage

LINK: British Cycling Road Safety Manifesto

LINK: The Times Cities Fit for Cycling Campaign

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