- Organise or attend networking events with local partners: These don’t have to be just sports clubs. Other groups may be able to offer access to potential members/funding sources through previously unknown or unutilised methods
- Organise or attend Community Hub CPD sessions to learn and share best practice: Whilst the groups might be a different size or sport, their methods of working might be transferable to your club. Even try to pick out small bits that would work.
- Facility sharing agreements with other groups or organisations.: This can help to reduce facility costs and form stronger partnerships for both parties.
- Encourage members to volunteer in the local community: This will provide another opportunity to increase knowledge of the club in local area and may result in potential volunteers looking to become involved with your club
- Give back to community through fundraising for charity: This will provide another opportunity to increase knowledge of the club in local area and help increase presence of club
Partnership with Governing Bodies for Sport
Local Sports Council
- Club is member of local sports council: This can open access to funds and also great way of sharing information.
Other Local Sports Clubs
- The Club has established links with other local sports clubs: Working with local sports clubs to do joint/ come and try sessions. Try to get past idea of “the club might lose members to other sports clubs”
- Partnerships with other cycling clubs to cater for needs that you can’t provide: This can be a two-way street e.g. if partner club don’t have an u18 section
- Input into local/regional information sharing pieces e.g. webpages or newsletters: Get the club’s name out through as many avenues as possible. Different people obtain information in different ways.
- Club has more than one online information outlet: Important that these are kept up to date, as it can be off putting to potential members if not.
- Source Local Sponsorship: Potential for funds into club and advertising opportunities for local business.