University of Nottingham CC

East Midlands''

Club Image

Club Information

Club type: Club Racing
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active

Total club members: 94

About our club

University of Nottingham Cycling Club


The University cycling club is the longest running club at the University. We cater for all forms of cycling, so whether it’s hurtling down a hill, exploring the countryside on a road bike, or tearing up the boards, come and join us!

The Cycling Club has a large mix of students from those who are just getting into Cycling, to others competing at a National Level. We have recently been awarded BUCS Team of the year! As the only cycling team to ever do so it’s a massive testimony to how great the club is.


After some exciting developments in 2018, the club is able to offer a wide range of new activities to members. These include trips to the nearby Derby velodrome, whether it is your first time or you wish to compete. Also the availability of the local Harvery Hadden circuit which runs an evening criterium series in the spring.

We have a number of trips, local and abroad, in the pipeline. Do keep an eye out for updates on these in our Facebook group!


The Cycling Club offers a diverse training programme including: social club rides, Wattbike sessions, core strength training, and longer weekend rides. There will be time to rest the legs too, with socials running throughout the year. We have had huge successes at BUCS of late, with a handful of top 5's in the Road Race, Criterium, Track, and had the 2015/16/17 Downhill champion.

Want to find out more?

Follow us on twitter @UoNSCC

Facebook: University of Nottingham Cycling Club 2022-23

I am a member of this club


Club contact: Miss Matilda Gurney
Email: Email the club
Postcode: NG7 2RD

Club Website


How to join our club

This club has not yet setup online purchasing of club membership subscriptions.

We are open to

Adults (Aged 18+)
Novice riders
Intermediate riders
Advanced riders

When we train

Day Time Traffic Free
Wednesday 14:00 No
Saturday 10:00 No