Club Information
Club type: Club Racing
Affiliated: 31/12/2025
Affilation status: Active
Total club members: 74
About our club
Team JMC is sporting club formed over 15 years ago by a group of mates looking for a club that puts enjoyment first. We are all about having fun, competing, supporting each other and pushing ourselves that little bit harder. We are open to everyone, no matter what level of ability. Talent is optional but enthusiasm mandatory. Great results are always pleasing but taking part, giving it a real go and finishing with a smile on our faces, proud of what we have achieved is way more important to us.
So can anyone join? Absolutely. Whether you are used to standing on podiums or you want to find the motivation to get involved in a sport for the first time.
How do I join? Drop us a line at with a brief biography and photo for the members page on our website and then wear something with our logo on it when you race.
For more information visit:
How to join our club
This club has not yet setup online purchasing of club membership subscriptions.