Heanor Clarion Go-Ride Coaching

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Heanor Clarion ‘Go Ride’ Coaching

Story posted April 14, 2010

Heanor Clarion starts its summer coaching programme on Wednesday 14th April using the traffic free car parks on the now disused American Adventure Theme Park. Volunteers spent the weekend sweeping the road surface which provides a half mile continuous racing/training circuit.

Sessions are open to both club and none club members. Regular riders range from 8 to 14 years of age and from novice beginners to national competitors. Coaching will focus on road racing skills so tyres suitable for tarmac are certainly recommended. Club coach Steve Palmer said, “We will be getting riders to understand their own strengths and how best to use them on race day together with identifying weaknesses and how to work on these,  how to defend your position and to gain race results”.

New members are most welcome and experience is certainly not essential.

Time:         Every Wednesday during the summer months.

Where:        The old American Adventure car parks, Pit Lane off the Ilkeston Road at Shipley.

Required:    A bike in good working order. Plenty to drink and suitable clothing for all weather conditions. A helmet is essential.

More details:    www.heanorclarion.org.uk


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