Banishing Punctures
Punctures are the cyclist’s bane. Out on a ride with your mates, they can be a mild inconvenience. On your way to work when you’re already late, a flat can be a major headache, even if you’ve got the tools and the wherewithal to deal with it. For commuters, the ideal thing is to try and banish punctures altogether. And on commuting bikes, this impossible dream is getting more attainable all the time. The last few years have seen great advances in tyre technology, with puncture proofing Kevlar belts added to many quality commuting tyres, which can stop nails, glass and other road debris from penetrating the tyre. Look for tyres with Kevlar belts (like the Schwalbe Marathon pictured right), especially ones which have a thick layer of tread too, which can be just as effective as Kevlar. On a commuter bike, go for larger volume tyres, 32mm wide or more – these will resist ‘pinch’ or impact punctures while giving you a comfortable ride over city streets. Remember its tortoise and hare on the commute. 23mm racing tyres might be de-rigeur on a road bike, but they’ll make you no faster in real world conditions, doing you no favours on the commute (it’s questionable that they’re faster full stop on real roads, but that’s another debate). Fit ‘Slime Tubes’ (pictured right) for that extra layer of defence. These are special inner tubes filled with a green goop that instantly mends small holes in the tube. This way, if an errant piece of glass gets through the front line or the tyre, the rearguard of the Slime Tube will pick ‘em off. Finally, use your head. Look well ahead on the road and avoid glass and other debris. ‘Ride light’ – avoiding crashing into potholes and into kerbs, which is just asking for pinch punctures.