Sustrans to Hold Sustainability Conference


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Sustrans to Hold Sustainability Conference

Posted: 18th January 2009 | Source: Sustrans

Sustainable transport charity, Sustrans, is holding a conference on Thursday 11 March to celebrate its work on eleven pilot schemes designed to improve walking and cycling conditions in urban areas.

Launched in 2007, the Sustrans' DIY Streets projects have encouraged communities across the UK to re-design their own streets affordably to make them safer, cleaner and more people-friendly.  The scheme follows the successes of home zones and aims to create more attractive spaces at a lower cost and with communities driving the process. 

The conference, taking place in Bristol at the Council House, will review the evaluation results of the Sustrans' pilot projects carried out in London, South Wales, Coventry, Manchester, Sheffield, Torquay and Oxford.   The residents' success in slowing down traffic and making their street safer for pedestrians and cyclists could see the scheme rolled out in cities throughout the UK.

Finlay McNab, Senior Project Officer at Sustrans, said:  "The conference will provide an ideal opportunity to display and celebrate the work carried out across each pilot scheme, allowing residents and planning teams involved to get together, discuss individual projects and share best practice. 

"The evaluation results will help Sustrans shape the next steps ahead for achieving its vision of creating safer and more attractive walking and cycling conditions for communities across the UK."

The scheme has been part-funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, local authorities and housing associations along with additional funding from Transport For London for projects carried out in the Capital.

The conference panel will include Sustrans' Chief Executive, Malcolm Shepherd, Peter Lipman, Policy Director at Sustrans, and project officers involved in urban design, community involvement and sustainable transport.

Members of the public are invited to attend the conference. Tickets are £55 each (£20 concessions) including lunch and are available through Sustrans. To make a booking, please contact Mira Ruskin on 0207 0172 364 or email by 26 February.

Download the conference programme (pdf)