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Cross: Barclay claims fourth win in London League

Home » Cyclo-Cross

Location: Brighton, East Sussex
Event: 4 November 2012
Report: Snowdon Sports

Darren Barclay overcame windy conditions at Stanmer Park to rack up his fourth win of the London League series.

The 39-year-old has made this league his priority and he’s leading the points table after this, his sixth podium of the campaign.

Strong legs were needed for this race, with a number of woodland sections and despite the bad weather around London, the conditions in Brighton were much better and made for a good race.

Barclay came home on his own, leading Sylvain Garde (Addiscombe CC) by around a minute. Garde had a simple finish too, leading Chris Dick (London Phoenix CC) by a minute himself.

Jules Birks (VC Londres) moved up the order efficiently to take fourth place. The quickest veteran of the day was Doug Fox (Crawley wheelers) and the winner of the women was Leona Kadir (La Fuga – Sigma Sport).

In the youth race, Calum Anderton (White Bikes) took victory, whilst Noah Clark (Poole CSC) took a win in the under 12s. Joseph Blackmore of Hearn Hill Youth CC was the quickest under 10.



1 Darren BARCLAY Arctic Premier RT S

2 Sylvain GARDE Addiscombe CC S

3 Chris DICK London Phoenix S

4 Sam STEAN Unattached J

5 Jules BIRKS VC Londres S

6 Andrew TAYLOR Cravens Energy S

7 CRAIG JOY Team Toachim S

8 Dan BRAID Sigma Sport S

9 Stuart SPIES London Dynamo S

10 Jack FINCH PM Racing S

11 Ashley DENNIS Prestige VC J

12 David ARTHUR Road CC S

13 Russell SHORT London Dynamo S

14 Phil LENNEY Team GWB-Activ S

15 Andrew SNOWBALL VC Londres S

16 Phil HERSEY Eagle RC S

17 Ben LEWIS Hackney GT S

18 James WILSON LA Fuga SigmaSport S

19 Douglas FOX Crawley Wheelers V+

20 Martin O'GRADY Team Toachim V+

21 Phillip GLOWINSKI VC Londres S

22 Steve HAMBLING Team GWB-Activ S

23 Matthew GATER VC Deal S

24 Will JONES Unattached S

25 Stuart NISBETT Crawley Wheelers S

26 Luke KENNARD VC Jubilee J

27 Gabor DOROGHAZI Fruit 4 London S

28 Russell JONES Hackney GT V

29 Glenn HORD Team Darenth V

30 Nigel LANGRIDGE Crawley Wheelers V

31 John POLLOCK Unattached V

32 Kris FOWLER The Tri Store S

33 Tom PAINE VC Jubilee J

34 Henry BEAUMONT Team Corridori S

35 Mike KANGELOS Hackney GT S

36 Jason WOOD London Dynamo V

37 George HIGGS Crawley Wheelers V

38 Len DELICAET London Phoenix V

39 Nick MILES In Gear Quick Vit S

40 Connor MURPHY VC Jubilee J

41 Jono HAMLIN Fruit 4 London S

42 Andy SELTZER In-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp RT V

43 Aian YULE Crawley Wheelers V

44 Jo BURT Road CC V

45 Rupert ROBINSON Crawley Wheelers V

46 Oliver PEPPER Kinesis Morvello Project S

47 Anthony SALMON Unattached S

48 Simon SCARSBROOK Mosquito Bikes V

49 Simon BENNETT VC Deal V

50 Graham FREER Hackney GT V


52 Tom BOWKER Hackney GT S

53 Richard MITCHELSON Bayeux CT S

54 Rob MILTON Hackney GT S

55 James FLURY Team Darenth J

56 Paul GIBBS Pearson Cycles V+

57 Luke BANDY VC Jubilee J

58 Shaun WILLIAMS San Fairy Ann CC V

59 Wilf SINCLAIR Pearson Cycles S

60 John LEMONIUS Unattached V

61 Mark JARY VC Londres V

62 Federico BERNASCONI Unattached S


64 Kevin JAMES Crawley Wheelers S

65 Andrew BRADSHAW VC Londres J

66 Leona KADIR Cyclelab / Ritte W

67 Simon STOCKLEY Team MK V+

68 Phillip BURNETT Mosquito Bikes V

69 Tony BERLIN Crawley Wheelers V

70 Tom JOHNSON Unattached S

71 Tony BARTLETT Team Corridori V+

72 John CORDNER Eastbourne Rovers CC V

73 Tom NOMAS Unattached S

74 Nicola WHATFORD Crawley Wheelers W

75 Stephen BURGESS Lewes Wanderers CC V+

76 Adam FORD Eastbourne Rovers CC V

77 Andy MURRAY Norwood Paragon CC V+

78 Andy PARLE Preston Park Youth CC V

79 Andrew NIPPARD Pearson Cycles S

80 Roger FLURY Darenth V

81 Drew BARRITT Unattached S


83 Samuel RAMSEY Lewes Wanderers CC V

84 Leigh HOLDEN Crawley Wheelers S

85 Danny WATTS Crawley Wheelers S

86 Stan AKINNIBI Unattached S

87 Sophia JOY PM Racing W

88 Laurence BELLAMY Ford CC V

89 Ian CRAIG VC Etoile V+

90 Marek GLOWINSKI VC Londres V+

91 Brian SCARBORO Gemini BC V

92 David SMITH VC Londres S

93 Simon PARKER Crawley Wheelers S

94 Tracy CORBETT Rapha Condor W

95 Paul NEVILLE Sutton Cycling Club V

96 Martin SUMMERS Herne Hill Youth CC V+

97 Dave BLACKMAN Sutton Cycling Club V

98 Alex BEYFUS Sussex Nomads V

99 Jo-Anne PERREY Deal Tri Club W

100 Steve WOOD Pearson Cycles V+

101 Peta MCSHARRY London Dynamo W

102 Lee RAE-BYFORD Unattached V

103 Tony VICKERS Pearson Cycles S

104 Nick DWYER Lewes Wanderers CC V

105 Jay MCNALLY Bespoke V

106 Jane MCINNES London Dynamo W

107 Phillip HARRIS San Fairy Ann CC V+

108 Greg BLACKWELL Hastings St Leonard V

109 Seb DONJON Crawley Wheelers S

110 Matthew HAWKINS Brixton CC V

111 James WADDINGTON Dulwich Paragon CC S

112 Ben UNSWORTH Unattached S

113 Stephen BROWN Team Darenth V

113 Richard NOBBS Unattached V+

113 Pete LAWRENCE Bike Science / Boardman Elite V

116 Gareth JONES Velo Club Moulin S

117 Hilary HARBER Crawley Wheelers W

117 Geoff NUTTER Herne Hill not so Youth V

117 Chris HUGHES GWB / Activ V

117 Phil MURRELL Hackney GT V

121 Chris REER Pearson Cycles S

121 Lance MEAD Sutton Cycling Club V

121 Simon CATMUR Unattached V+


1 Calum ANDERTON Whyte Bikes MA


3 George JARY VC Londres MA

4 Aidan WOOLVEN Sutton Cycling Club MA

5 Joseph SUTTON Team Darenth MA

6 Harry CLARKE Sutton Cycling Club MA

7 Thomas FINCH VC Londres MA

8 Luke MITCHIE Team Darenth MB

9 Oliver STEAN Unattached MA

10 Oliver PRIDDLE Eastbourne Rovers CC MA

11 Louis SUGGETT Sutton Cycling Club MA

12 Martin BLACKMAN Sutton Cycling Club MA

13 George WHITE Sutton Cycling Club MA

14 Toby MARTIN Team Darenth MB

15 George FINCH Herne Hill Youth CC MB

16 Freddie ARGENT Herne Hill Youth CC MB

17 Jake SOWE Herne Hill Youth CC MA

18 Matthew MCGOVERN Sutton Cycling Club MB

19 Oskar SCARSBROOK Preston Park Youth CC MA

20 Thomas BURNETT VC Londres MB

21 Arlo LUDEWICK VC Londres MB

22 Joshua MEAD Sutton Cycling Club MB

23 Isaac WRIGHT Preston Park Youth CC MB

24 Joe HILL Preston Park Youth CC MB

25 George SALES Redhill CC MB

26 Rachel JARY VC Londres FB

27 Kareen AKINNIBI Herne Hill Youth CC MB

28 Emily ASHWOOD Sutton Cycling Club FB

29 Lulu MCNALLY Unattached FA

30 Harry TIPTON VC Jubilee MB

31 Isaac JOLLEY Southdown Velo MB




3 Thomas IVES Sutton Cycling Club MC

4 Irfan ZAMAN Bigfoot CC MC

5 George SLOAN VC Jubilee MC

6 Luke ASHWOOD Sutton Cycling Club MC

7 Daniel FINCH VC Deal MC

8 Louis HARMAN Herne Hill Youth CC MC


10 Oliver LYNE Sutton Cycling Club MC

11 Jamal ZAHIRI VC Jubilee MC

12 Megan MACMAHAN Team Darenth FC

13 Seth LUDEWICK Herne Hill Youth CC MC

14 Lucas MEAD Sutton Cycling Club MC

15 Drew DENNIS Herne Hill Youth CC MC

16 James OATES VC Jubilee MC


1 Joseph BLACKMORE Herne Hill Youth CC MD

2 Archie SLOAN VC Jubilee MD

3 Henry CORDNER Eastbourne Rovers CC MD

4 Charlotte MCGREEVY Team Darenth FD

5 Rahul FORTESCUE TALWAR Preston Park Youth CC MD

6 Milo SUMMERS Herne Hill Youth CC MD

7 Freddy NEWMAN Preston Park Youth CC MD

8 Hector HAWKINS Herne Hill Youth CC MD

9 Callum BROWN Team Darenth MD

10 Thomas DAVIES Sutton Cycling Club MD

11 Eli CHARLTON Thanet RC MD

12 Alex HARVEY VC Jubilee MD

13 Jude BEATON Charlotteville Rascals MD

14 Lucas BARCLAY Artic Sram MD

15 Rory MCLUSKI VC Jubilee MD

16 Josh BALLINGER Preston Park Youth CC MD

17 Cameron STILL Sutton Cycling Club MD

18 Fynn BUXTON VC Jubilee MD

19 Ferdie PARSON VC Jubilee MD

20 George HARVEY VC Jubilee ME

21 Ben FLATAN Charlotteville MD

22 Dotty MCNALLY Bespoke FD

23 Frank NEWMAN Preston Park Youth CC ME

24 Nell LUDEWICK Herne Hill Youth CC FE

25 Kai BARCLAY Artic Sram ME

26 Milo CORDNER Pedal Power MD

27 Will FLATAN Charlotteville ME

28 Jude WILSON Sutton Cycling Club MD

29 Rosie BEYVIS Sussex Nomads FE

Please credit and link back if you use any of our race results.

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.