Schwalbe British Cycling 4X Series Rd2 Afan 2016

MTB 4X , Port Talbot – Saturday, 30 Apr 2016

Event Summary

Event Overview

201 Race Schedule: 

The bike park is open as normal and you must follow the local rules & fees.

The course will be marked out on Saturday and there will be registration during Saturday afternoon.

Saturday – Race Day

Registration 8.30am to 10.30am You must sign on and register before riding the track.

09.30 Open practice on whole track.

10:30 Gate Practice Session 1 for Fun, Big Fun, Rippers, Juvenile, Youth, Master, Vets and Ladies only (Number Boards 251+)

11.00  Gate Practice Session 2 for Junior, Senior, Pro Elite only (Number boards 250 and below

During Gate practice sessions the lower half of the track is open to everyone as normal.

11.25 Rider List posted – you must check this list before the motos are drawn. Any mistakes cannot be rectified after the motos have been printed.

11.30 Course Closed.

11.45 Motos Printed

12.00 Riders meeting.

12.05 3 Motos

Run Offs


4.30pm Podiums Top 5 in each category

Entry procedure, distribution of identification numbers: The race is pre-entry only, though if spaces remain, we will accept very limited entries on the day. Enter via the British Cycling website.

If you’re racing Fun or Big Fun you do not need a race licence but for all other categories please make sure you have a valid British Cycling Membership (Silver or Gold) and a Race Licence.

Race entry is £30.00 plus British Cycling booking fee.

Racer numbers will be available at Registration where all riders must sign on and present their valid racing licence (except Fun). Failure to produce a valid racing licence will mean an instant £10.00 cash administration charge that will go straight to British Cycling. Once paid the rider can then complete registration and compete in the event.

Riders will be given one number board for the series. It is their responsibility to look after it. A lost number board will mean a £5.00 charge for a replacement as will a number board that has a modified shape and sponsors' logos removed. No defacing of number boards. The number boards remain the property of British 4X Series until the end of your race season.

Rider Registration is open: Sunday 08:30 to 10:30

  • Fun 13 to 16 Riders must be in the year of their 13th or 16th birthdays.
  • Big Fun - Riders must be in there 17th year or older.
  • Rippers Riders must be in the year of their 10th, 11th or 12th birthdays. 
  • Juvenile - Riders must be in the year of their 13th or 14th birthday.
  • Youth - Riders in the year of their 15th or 16th birthdays.
  • Junior - Riders in the year of their 17th or 18th birthdays.
  • Senior - Riders in the year of their 19th birthday then the Senior category is the appropriate aged based category.
  • Master - For riders aged 30 to 39.  
  • Veteran - For riders aged 40+

Prize Money: The 3 in Pro Elite Men will receive prize money.

Race Regulations: The event will run under BC and UCI Regulations and Penalties. Please make sure you aware of the rules. A course inspection will performed before the start of practice with the Chief BC Commissaire and any recommendations will be implemented.

The course will be covered by marshals. They will have red and yellow flags, radio communications and be briefed each morning.
British 4X rules incorporate those laid out in the current BC handbook. 

We recommend that all riders and especially Juvenile and Youth age riders must wear the following body armour: Full Spine Elbow pads Knee pads.

Behavior - Anti-social behaviour, vandalsim, riding mini-bikes, motorbikes, driving recklessly at the event (Disqualified). Acts of violence, intimidation or vandalism will receive a lifetime ban. Under suspicion of theft, the police will be called and you will be detained until their arrival

Race Timing: Race Timing will be carried out by the British 4X Team, Results will be posted in the main arena on completion of each event and online by Monday 12:00 after the event.  The riders will start from the 4 man start gate. The finish line officals will identify riders by there number board to capture the riders crossing the line.

Overall Series

Top 3 Riders on Podium

Minimum of 5 riders to make a Series Podium category

Best 5 from 6 Rounds with the Final round being the deciding round if any category is drawn on Points.

If there is a draw on the final race highest place finisher decides the title using the count back.

Points award by finishing position in race category.


Team Cup:

Team Members need to be registered at the first round of the series. Riders can be added to the team until the 3rd round of the series but the points cannot be back dated.

There is a registration fee of £10 per team (all the money collected from registering a team will go to the winning team at the end of the series) – Only registered teams will score points.  All rounds count for the team cup with the top 3 highest place point’s scorers counting from each team. You can register up to 10 team members.


Medical: Paramedic Medical Cover will be provided, both on course and from an identifiable Base Station in the event arena. 

Illegal Drugs Policy:

We run a zero tolerance policy on illegal drugs. If we suspect you are in possession of or using illegal drugs we will ask you to leave the venue and the Police may well be called.

Rider Conduct:

A rider seen/herd to be talking about taking out another rider will be disqualified from the race and will receive no refund.  

Camping: Camping will be available onsite in a separate Camping area.
PA System: A full Public Announcement Facility will be on site with announcements throughout the day. A Notice Board will also be on display in the Race Office/Rider Registration area for displaying information regarding the event.

Catering: There will be onsite Catering providing fresh hot and cold food and refreshments. 

Toilets: This will also include men & women-only facilities. All will be serviced on Saturday evening and re-stocked throughout the weekend.

Refunds and Transfers: If you wish to cancel a booking please note the following cancellation conditions: 29+ days notice: £75% paid back. 15-28 days notice: 50% paid back. 14 days or less notice: no refund.
Transfer requests 14 days or less notice are not applicable. Please note you cannot swap your entry with a new rider. Please note the race weekend set up starts from on Friday therefore the timescales above mean all e-mails must be received by our deadline which is 17.00 on the Thursday.
Please email Please note we will not deal with any cancellations over the phone, by text or Facebook. British 4X Series reserves the right to modify or cancel any event if circumstances beyond the control of the organiser should arise. This includes cancellation of event due to extreme weather, acts of God, violence, civil disobedience and war. If a British 4X Series event is cancelled we will not be liable for costs of travel fares, hotels, or any other expenses that may be incurred. It is your responsibility to ensure the race is going ahead before travelling. We will do our best to inform you if the race has to be cancelled but we do not accept liability if we are unable to contact you. We strongly advise that you check before making travel and accommodation arrangements. If the event is cancelled we are unable to refund or part refund any entry fee. We are also unable to transfer your entry to another event. 
Please follow the British 4X Series on Facebook to ensure you are kept up to date.

Live Updates: 
All Motos, heats and finals all be uploaded live to the British 4X Website during race day subject to 3G phone signal.

Media: Video, race reports and photos will be avaible after the race and will be supplied to Dirt Magazine,, British Cycling, Wideopen,, Cycling News, Moredirt, and more to follow.

Rules- Full List on

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Sat, 30th Apr 2016

Event Type:

MTB 4X (Competitive)


Afan 4X Track, Afan Dirt Park, Port Talbot, SA12 9SP

View map


British Cycling 4X Series


Confirmed Results


Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Women - Results
1.  Natasha Bradley Decoy BMX Club Finished Senior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
2.  Tyde D'Souza Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished N/A 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Hannah Escott Finished Senior 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
4.  Mabel Mundy Finished N/A 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Anna Cipullo Team Bikesoup-Bianchi (2016) Finished Master 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
6.  Kimberly Johnson Finished 0

6.  Kimberly Johnson -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
7.  Melanie Nice Dame Cycling Finished Senior 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior

Big Fun 17+

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Big Fun 17+ - Results
1.  Ady Chaplin Finished 0

1.  Ady Chaplin -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
2.  Stephen Mould Finished 0

2.  Stephen Mould -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
3.  James Ferrand Finished 0

3.  James Ferrand -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
4.  Martyn Nicholas Finished 0

4.  Martyn Nicholas -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished

Junior 17-18

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Junior 17-18 - Results
1.  Charles Currie Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Junior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior
2.  Matthew Griffin Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Kieran Abbott Finished Junior 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior
4.  Ryan Byrne Finished Junior 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior

Juvenile 13-14

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Juvenile 13-14 - Results
1.  William Mills Walpole Warriors BMX Club (201... Finished Juvenile 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
2.  Rhys Mahon Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Joe Cooper Finished Juvenile 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
4.  William Fuell Redditch Premiers BMX Club Finished Juvenile 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
5.  Ruben Masi Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Juvenile 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile

Master 30-39

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Master 30-39 - Results
1.  Gareth Parr Finished Elite 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  Marti Pearce Finished Master 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
3.  Chris Smith Finished 0

3.  Chris Smith -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
4.  David Jaquin Finished Master 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
5.  Richard Dobson Finished N/A 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
6.  Andrew Calland Finished Master 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Master

Pro Elite

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Pro Elite - Results
1.  Scott Beaumont Finished Elite 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  William Evans Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Elite 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
3.  Luke Cryer Finished Elite 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
4.  David Roberts Finished Elite 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
5.  Alexander Metcalfe Finished Elite 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
6.  Nathan Parsons Nuneaton BMX Club Finished Elite 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
7.  Duncan Ferris Finished Elite 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
8.  James Whitby Finished Elite 65
Points: 65 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite

Rippers (10-12)

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Rippers (10-12) - Results
1.  Tyler Partridge Decoy BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
2.  Louie Partridge Decoy BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Callum Greenwood Bristol BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
4.  Jack Skinner Peterborough Phantoms BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A

Senior 18-29

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Senior 18-29 - Results
1.  Alastair Keen Finished Senior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
2.  Lewis Ashe Merseyside BMX Club Finished Senior 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
3.  Simon Nash MB Swindon Finished Senior 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
4.  Joshua Dillon Finished Senior 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
5.  John Lonsdale Roch Valley Raiders (2019) Finished Senior 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
6.  Euan Speirits Finished Senior 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
7.  Tom Burch Finished Senior 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
8.  Ben Jones Finished Senior 65
Points: 65 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior

Veteran 40+

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Veteran 40+ - Results
1.  Jason Jessop Braintree BMX Racing Club Finished Veteran 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
2.  Neil Harbour Manchester BMX Club Finished Veteran 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
3.  Philip Gray Malverns Classic (2019) Finished Veteran 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
4.  Michael Dewsnap Finished N/A 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Paul Soden Birmingham BMX Club Finished Veteran 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
6.  John Lord Dame Cycling Finished Veteran 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran

Youth 15-16

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Youth 15-16 - Results
1.  Tom Bell Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Youth 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
2.  Fin Keogh Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Oscar Powell Finished Youth 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
4.  Lewis Giddings Finished Youth 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
5.  Alex Piper Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Youth 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
6.  Alex Gray Milton Keynes BMX Racing Club Finished Youth 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
7.  Declan Willicombe Milton Keynes BMX Racing Club Finished Youth 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth


Bradley maintains 100% record in British Cycling MTB Four Cross Series

Posted 04/05/2016 - British Cycling

Natasha Bradley keeps her 100% record in the British Cycling MTB Four Cross Series with victory at r...

View Full Report

About the Event

Info for Riders

For all categories other than Fun, a full licence is required to race. Please check the British 4x website for details. Sign on: 9am until 11am Practice: 9.30am to 11.30am Racing commences at 12:00 3 Motos Podiums 4.30pm

The Races

Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 01:00 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Elite, Expert, ...
Sat 30/04/16 – 01:00
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Elite, Expert, ...
Big Fun 17+ Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking N/A
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | N/A
Fun 13-16 Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking N/A
Entry: On Day: (£30.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | N/A
Junior 17-18 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Junior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Junior
Junior 17-18 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Junior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Junior
Juvenile 13-14 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Juvenile
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Juvenile
Master 30-39 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Master
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Master
Master 30-39 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Master
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Master
Pro Elite Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Elite
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Elite
Rippers (10-12) Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking 10-12
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | 10-12
Senior 18-29 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Senior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Senior
Senior 18-29 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Senior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Senior
Veteran 40+ Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B G/Vet, Veteran
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | G/Vet, Veteran
Youth 15-16 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Youth
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Youth

Event Summary

Event Overview

201 Race Schedule: 

The bike park is open as normal and you must follow the local rules & fees.

The course will be marked out on Saturday and there will be registration during Saturday afternoon.

Saturday – Race Day

Registration 8.30am to 10.30am You must sign on and register before riding the track.

09.30 Open practice on whole track.

10:30 Gate Practice Session 1 for Fun, Big Fun, Rippers, Juvenile, Youth, Master, Vets and Ladies only (Number Boards 251+)

11.00  Gate Practice Session 2 for Junior, Senior, Pro Elite only (Number boards 250 and below

During Gate practice sessions the lower half of the track is open to everyone as normal.

11.25 Rider List posted – you must check this list before the motos are drawn. Any mistakes cannot be rectified after the motos have been printed.

11.30 Course Closed.

11.45 Motos Printed

12.00 Riders meeting.

12.05 3 Motos

Run Offs


4.30pm Podiums Top 5 in each category

Entry procedure, distribution of identification numbers: The race is pre-entry only, though if spaces remain, we will accept very limited entries on the day. Enter via the British Cycling website.

If you’re racing Fun or Big Fun you do not need a race licence but for all other categories please make sure you have a valid British Cycling Membership (Silver or Gold) and a Race Licence.

Race entry is £30.00 plus British Cycling booking fee.

Racer numbers will be available at Registration where all riders must sign on and present their valid racing licence (except Fun). Failure to produce a valid racing licence will mean an instant £10.00 cash administration charge that will go straight to British Cycling. Once paid the rider can then complete registration and compete in the event.

Riders will be given one number board for the series. It is their responsibility to look after it. A lost number board will mean a £5.00 charge for a replacement as will a number board that has a modified shape and sponsors' logos removed. No defacing of number boards. The number boards remain the property of British 4X Series until the end of your race season.

Rider Registration is open: Sunday 08:30 to 10:30

  • Fun 13 to 16 Riders must be in the year of their 13th or 16th birthdays.
  • Big Fun - Riders must be in there 17th year or older.
  • Rippers Riders must be in the year of their 10th, 11th or 12th birthdays. 
  • Juvenile - Riders must be in the year of their 13th or 14th birthday.
  • Youth - Riders in the year of their 15th or 16th birthdays.
  • Junior - Riders in the year of their 17th or 18th birthdays.
  • Senior - Riders in the year of their 19th birthday then the Senior category is the appropriate aged based category.
  • Master - For riders aged 30 to 39.  
  • Veteran - For riders aged 40+

Prize Money: The 3 in Pro Elite Men will receive prize money.

Race Regulations: The event will run under BC and UCI Regulations and Penalties. Please make sure you aware of the rules. A course inspection will performed before the start of practice with the Chief BC Commissaire and any recommendations will be implemented.

The course will be covered by marshals. They will have red and yellow flags, radio communications and be briefed each morning.
British 4X rules incorporate those laid out in the current BC handbook. 

We recommend that all riders and especially Juvenile and Youth age riders must wear the following body armour: Full Spine Elbow pads Knee pads.

Behavior - Anti-social behaviour, vandalsim, riding mini-bikes, motorbikes, driving recklessly at the event (Disqualified). Acts of violence, intimidation or vandalism will receive a lifetime ban. Under suspicion of theft, the police will be called and you will be detained until their arrival

Race Timing: Race Timing will be carried out by the British 4X Team, Results will be posted in the main arena on completion of each event and online by Monday 12:00 after the event.  The riders will start from the 4 man start gate. The finish line officals will identify riders by there number board to capture the riders crossing the line.

Overall Series

Top 3 Riders on Podium

Minimum of 5 riders to make a Series Podium category

Best 5 from 6 Rounds with the Final round being the deciding round if any category is drawn on Points.

If there is a draw on the final race highest place finisher decides the title using the count back.

Points award by finishing position in race category.


Team Cup:

Team Members need to be registered at the first round of the series. Riders can be added to the team until the 3rd round of the series but the points cannot be back dated.

There is a registration fee of £10 per team (all the money collected from registering a team will go to the winning team at the end of the series) – Only registered teams will score points.  All rounds count for the team cup with the top 3 highest place point’s scorers counting from each team. You can register up to 10 team members.


Medical: Paramedic Medical Cover will be provided, both on course and from an identifiable Base Station in the event arena. 

Illegal Drugs Policy:

We run a zero tolerance policy on illegal drugs. If we suspect you are in possession of or using illegal drugs we will ask you to leave the venue and the Police may well be called.

Rider Conduct:

A rider seen/herd to be talking about taking out another rider will be disqualified from the race and will receive no refund.  

Camping: Camping will be available onsite in a separate Camping area.
PA System: A full Public Announcement Facility will be on site with announcements throughout the day. A Notice Board will also be on display in the Race Office/Rider Registration area for displaying information regarding the event.

Catering: There will be onsite Catering providing fresh hot and cold food and refreshments. 

Toilets: This will also include men & women-only facilities. All will be serviced on Saturday evening and re-stocked throughout the weekend.

Refunds and Transfers: If you wish to cancel a booking please note the following cancellation conditions: 29+ days notice: £75% paid back. 15-28 days notice: 50% paid back. 14 days or less notice: no refund.
Transfer requests 14 days or less notice are not applicable. Please note you cannot swap your entry with a new rider. Please note the race weekend set up starts from on Friday therefore the timescales above mean all e-mails must be received by our deadline which is 17.00 on the Thursday.
Please email Please note we will not deal with any cancellations over the phone, by text or Facebook. British 4X Series reserves the right to modify or cancel any event if circumstances beyond the control of the organiser should arise. This includes cancellation of event due to extreme weather, acts of God, violence, civil disobedience and war. If a British 4X Series event is cancelled we will not be liable for costs of travel fares, hotels, or any other expenses that may be incurred. It is your responsibility to ensure the race is going ahead before travelling. We will do our best to inform you if the race has to be cancelled but we do not accept liability if we are unable to contact you. We strongly advise that you check before making travel and accommodation arrangements. If the event is cancelled we are unable to refund or part refund any entry fee. We are also unable to transfer your entry to another event. 
Please follow the British 4X Series on Facebook to ensure you are kept up to date.

Live Updates: 
All Motos, heats and finals all be uploaded live to the British 4X Website during race day subject to 3G phone signal.

Media: Video, race reports and photos will be avaible after the race and will be supplied to Dirt Magazine,, British Cycling, Wideopen,, Cycling News, Moredirt, and more to follow.

Rules- Full List on

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Sat, 30th Apr 2016

Event Type:

MTB 4X (Competitive)


Afan 4X Track, Afan Dirt Park, Port Talbot, SA12 9SP

View map


British Cycling 4X Series


Confirmed Results


Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Women - Results
1.  Natasha Bradley Decoy BMX Club Finished Senior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
2.  Tyde D'Souza Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished N/A 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Hannah Escott Finished Senior 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
4.  Mabel Mundy Finished N/A 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Anna Cipullo Team Bikesoup-Bianchi (2016) Finished Master 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
6.  Kimberly Johnson Finished 0

6.  Kimberly Johnson -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
7.  Melanie Nice Dame Cycling Finished Senior 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior

Big Fun 17+

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Big Fun 17+ - Results
1.  Ady Chaplin Finished 0

1.  Ady Chaplin -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
2.  Stephen Mould Finished 0

2.  Stephen Mould -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
3.  James Ferrand Finished 0

3.  James Ferrand -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
4.  Martyn Nicholas Finished 0

4.  Martyn Nicholas -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished

Junior 17-18

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Junior 17-18 - Results
1.  Charles Currie Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Junior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior
2.  Matthew Griffin Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Kieran Abbott Finished Junior 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior
4.  Ryan Byrne Finished Junior 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Junior

Juvenile 13-14

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Juvenile 13-14 - Results
1.  William Mills Walpole Warriors BMX Club (201... Finished Juvenile 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
2.  Rhys Mahon Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Joe Cooper Finished Juvenile 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
4.  William Fuell Redditch Premiers BMX Club Finished Juvenile 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile
5.  Ruben Masi Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Juvenile 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Juvenile

Master 30-39

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Master 30-39 - Results
1.  Gareth Parr Finished Elite 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  Marti Pearce Finished Master 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
3.  Chris Smith Finished 0

3.  Chris Smith -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished
4.  David Jaquin Finished Master 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Master
5.  Richard Dobson Finished N/A 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
6.  Andrew Calland Finished Master 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Master

Pro Elite

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Pro Elite - Results
1.  Scott Beaumont Finished Elite 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  William Evans Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Elite 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
3.  Luke Cryer Finished Elite 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
4.  David Roberts Finished Elite 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
5.  Alexander Metcalfe Finished Elite 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
6.  Nathan Parsons Nuneaton BMX Club Finished Elite 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
7.  Duncan Ferris Finished Elite 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
8.  James Whitby Finished Elite 65
Points: 65 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite

Rippers (10-12)

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Rippers (10-12) - Results
1.  Tyler Partridge Decoy BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
2.  Louie Partridge Decoy BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Callum Greenwood Bristol BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
4.  Jack Skinner Peterborough Phantoms BMX Club Finished N/A 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A

Senior 18-29

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Senior 18-29 - Results
1.  Alastair Keen Finished Senior 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
2.  Lewis Ashe Merseyside BMX Club Finished Senior 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
3.  Simon Nash MB Swindon Finished Senior 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
4.  Joshua Dillon Finished Senior 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
5.  John Lonsdale Roch Valley Raiders (2019) Finished Senior 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
6.  Euan Speirits Finished Senior 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
7.  Tom Burch Finished Senior 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior
8.  Ben Jones Finished Senior 65
Points: 65 | Status: Finished | Category: Senior

Veteran 40+

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Veteran 40+ - Results
1.  Jason Jessop Braintree BMX Racing Club Finished Veteran 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
2.  Neil Harbour Manchester BMX Club Finished Veteran 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
3.  Philip Gray Malverns Classic (2019) Finished Veteran 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
4.  Michael Dewsnap Finished N/A 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Paul Soden Birmingham BMX Club Finished Veteran 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran
6.  John Lord Dame Cycling Finished Veteran 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Veteran

Youth 15-16

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
Youth 15-16 - Results
1.  Tom Bell Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Youth 150
Points: 150 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
2.  Fin Keogh Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished N/A 125
Points: 125 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Oscar Powell Finished Youth 110
Points: 110 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
4.  Lewis Giddings Finished Youth 100
Points: 100 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
5.  Alex Piper Carrick Riders Mountain Bike C... Finished Youth 90
Points: 90 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
6.  Alex Gray Milton Keynes BMX Racing Club Finished Youth 80
Points: 80 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth
7.  Declan Willicombe Milton Keynes BMX Racing Club Finished Youth 70
Points: 70 | Status: Finished | Category: Youth


Bradley maintains 100% record in British Cycling MTB Four Cross Series

Posted 04/05/2016 - British Cycling

Natasha Bradley keeps her 100% record in the British Cycling MTB Four Cross Series with victory at r...

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About the Event

Info for Riders

For all categories other than Fun, a full licence is required to race. Please check the British 4x website for details. Sign on: 9am until 11am Practice: 9.30am to 11.30am Racing commences at 12:00 3 Motos Podiums 4.30pm

The Races

Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 01:00 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Elite, Expert, ...
Sat 30/04/16 – 01:00
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Elite, Expert, ...
Big Fun 17+ Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking N/A
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | N/A
Fun 13-16 Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking N/A
Entry: On Day: (£30.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | N/A
Junior 17-18 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Junior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Junior
Junior 17-18 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Junior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Junior
Juvenile 13-14 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Juvenile
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Juvenile
Master 30-39 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Master
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Master
Master 30-39 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Master
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Master
Pro Elite Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Elite
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Elite
Rippers (10-12) Race
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 Non-Ranking 10-12
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
Non-Ranking,  | 10-12
Senior 18-29 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Senior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Senior
Senior 18-29 Women Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Senior
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Senior
Veteran 40+ Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B G/Vet, Veteran
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | G/Vet, Veteran
Youth 15-16 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Sat 30/04/16 09:30 MTB National B MTB 4X National B Youth
Entry: On Day: (£40.00)
Sat 30/04/16 – 09:30
MTB National B, MTB 4X National B | Youth

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