Miche West Thames League RND 5

Closed Circuit , Hayes – Tuesday, 26 Apr 2022

Event Summary

Event Overview

Back for another year the series will run Saturdays the 19th/26th March and the 2nd April and then weekly on Tuesdays weekly from the 19th April to the 2nd August.

Race format will follow the same format as last year, a separate 4th category race to start at 6.30 p.m. followed by an E/12/3 event and running at the same time a 3rds only event. In addition to this we will be running a women's event every 4 weeks on a Tuesday starting from the 26th April which will run at the same time as the 4ths cats but will start separately.

Women are welcome to ride in the men's events on the dates when there are no separate women's event and can ride in one category below their normal race category if they wish to enter either the 4ths or 3rds race 

Riders do not have to join the West Thames league to participate (yearly cost £12) but if they do they will benefit from a reduction on entry fees and also will take preference for acceptance for events. In 2021 all events were full throughout the year! 

Although the Risk Assessment for the cct allows fields of 80 riders in one race we restrict the number of 4th cat riders to 60.

Those registering for the league will be issued with a race number of the season which they must keep and bring to all events!

Cash prizes will be given for the top 6 places in both the E/1/2/3 and  3rds races, prizes for the 4th category race will be energy products and for the last 3 years we have always had a weekly memento for the winner of the 4th cat race and will be doing again for 2022

An overall series will also run over the season. All riders finishing in the top 10 will be awarded points. Last year we had 10 cash prizes for those in the top placings at the end of the season and our sponsors provided extra prizes namely a set of road wheels for the top 3 along with trophies.


BC Ranking Points will awarded in both events.

It is crucial that you pin your race number in the correct position as photo finish equipment is used. This enable the organisers to pay prize money on the night.. 

Results/links to photo' and all up to date info regarding league positions will be posted up on the West Thames facebook page

3rd Category riders can choose their race, however if they move up to ride the E/1/2/3 they can not swap back unless there are extenuating circumstances .

The event is run as Regional C+ classification.

The 4th event is aimed at providing competitors a great facility to build race skills and experience. Prizes are awarded for top 6 riders.

NOTE: Secure lockers are provided within the club house for a refundable £2.00 deposit, please do not leave valuables within your vehicle. The organising team cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to equipment left in such a way.

Race results and photos will be posted up on the following facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/557235464401072/ as well as the results being sent to British Cycling

The distances of the races will increase with the lighter evenings. 

Saturday race times are as follows.

4ths  1.30 p.m.  

3rds  2.20 p.m.

E/1/2/3  3.20 p.m.

Tuesdays the 4th Cat race starts prompt at 6.30 p.m. with the start time of the other 2 races  starting at 7:05 p.m. for the 1st 2 Tuesdays and then will start at 7:15 p.m.

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Tue, 26th Apr 2022

Event Type:

Closed Circuit (Competitive)


Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0LP

View map


Confirmed Results

West Thames 4th Cat

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
West Thames 4th Cat - Results
1.  Ramon Almeida Lea Valley CC Finished 3rd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
2.  Luke Adams Dulwich Paragon CC Finished N/A 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Max Parrott Islington Cycling Club Finished 4th 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
4.  Bryce Matthewson Muswell Hill Peloton Finished 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished
5.  Hugo Bulleid Cycling Club Hackney Finished 4th 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
6.  Daniel Lynch Reading CC Finished 4th 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
7.  Matthew Little London Dynamo Finished 4th 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
8.  Luke Stratford Farnborough & Camberley CC Finished 4th 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
9.  Michal Borkowski Thames Velo Finished 4th 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
10.  Andrew Rae Finished 4th 1

10.  Andrew Rae -

Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
11.  Jonny D Finished D 0

11.  Jonny D -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: D
12.  Joshua Carnell Finished 4th 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th

West Thames Women's

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
West Thames Women's - Results
1.  Emily Proud Grinta Coaching Finished 2nd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
2.  Alice McWilliam BIANCHI HUNT MORVELO Finished 2nd 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
3.  Suzetta Guerrini Jadan Vive le Velo Glasdon Finished 2nd 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
4.  Lena Kane Wolfox CAMS Le Col RT Finished N/A 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Cecilia Ricks Grinta Coaching Finished 4th 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
6.  Dannielle Watkinson The Phoenix Collective Finished 2nd 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
7.  Charlotte Dexter Grinta Coaching Finished 2nd 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
7.  Laura Leeson Onyx Racing Team Finished 4th 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
9.  Charlotte Matthews Onyx Racing Team Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
10.  Penny Colloff Wolfox CAMS Le Col RT Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
11.  Emily Chilton Saint Piran WRT Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
12.  Laura Haydon Paceline RT Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd


Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
E/1/2/3 - Results
1.  Charles Page Saint Piran Finished Elite 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  Timothy Lynch London Dynamo Finished Elite 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
3.  Conor McGoldrick DAS Richardsons Finished Elite 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
4.  Craig Cole Team Solo Vinci Finished 1st 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
5.  Andrew Rigg Foran CT Finished 2nd 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
6.  Clay Davies Spirit Racing Team Finished 1st 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
7.  Oliver Hucks Saint Piran Finished 1st 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
8.  George Wells Onyx Racing Team Finished 2nd 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
9.  Monte Guerrini 05-03 Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
10.  Matt Bailey High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
11.  Joshua Avery Spirit Racing Team Finished 1st 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
12.  Declan Egan Kingston Wheelers CC Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
12.  Theodor Obholzer Saint Piran Finished 1st 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st

3rd Cat only

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
3rd Cat only - Results
1.  Daniel Mcquillan Finished 3rd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
2.  Joshua Bathurst Finished 3rd 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
3.  Christian Bright trainSharp Development Team Finished 3rd 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
4.  Alan Jay Brazier Finished 3rd 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
5.  Jacob Avery High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 2nd 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
6.  James Foster High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 3rd 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
7.  Kazimierz Rys United Eagles Cycling Team Finished 3rd 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
8.  Louis Hatchwell CC London Finished 3rd 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
9.  James Buchanan Balham Cycling Club Finished 3rd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
10.  Darryl Green Watford Velo Sport Finished 3rd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
11.  Reuban Davey Abellio - SFA Racing Team (202... Finished 3rd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
12.  Stephen Tiernan BmthCycleworks VitecFire FordC... Finished 3rd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd

About the Event

Info for Riders

Thank you for your race entry,

Saturday race times are as follows.

4ths  1.30 p.m.  

3rds  2.20 p.m.

E/1/2/3  3.20 p.m.

Tuesdays the 4th Cat race starts prompt at 6.30 p.m. with the start time of the other 2 races  starting at 7:05 p.m. for the 1st 2 Tuesdays and then will start at 7:15 p.m.

No warming up on the cct whilst racing is taking place.

The normal direction of the races will be clockwise. In the event of the E/1/2/3s catching the 3rds, we will use the short cut of the circuit to avoid the bunches passing each other . Any lapped riders must pull out with 3 laps to go.

All prizes will be awarded on the night. Any prizes not claimed at the end of the evening will be put into the overall race kitty.

Please ensure you ride safely and stay rubber side down.

Any queries re the results please make contact with the organiser ASAP after the event .

Results will be e-mailed to British Cycling as soon as the results are ratified.

In the case of inclement weather the races will only be cancelled if deemed to be too dangerous to race and this decision will be jointly made by the organiser /Commissaire- in the event of any cancelation riders will be offered a new date for their entry to be moved to.

Any updates will be publicised on the West Thames Facebook page.  

The Races

West Thames 4th Cat Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 18:30 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 40 mins
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 18:30
Regional C+, Band 5
40 mins
West Thames Women's Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 18:30 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 45 mins
Tue 26/04/22 – 18:30
Regional C+, Band 5
45 mins
E/1/2/3 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 19:05 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 01 hr
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 19:05
Regional C+, Band 5
01 hr
3rd Cat only Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 19:05 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 50 mins
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 19:05
Regional C+, Band 5
50 mins

Event Summary

Event Overview

Back for another year the series will run Saturdays the 19th/26th March and the 2nd April and then weekly on Tuesdays weekly from the 19th April to the 2nd August.

Race format will follow the same format as last year, a separate 4th category race to start at 6.30 p.m. followed by an E/12/3 event and running at the same time a 3rds only event. In addition to this we will be running a women's event every 4 weeks on a Tuesday starting from the 26th April which will run at the same time as the 4ths cats but will start separately.

Women are welcome to ride in the men's events on the dates when there are no separate women's event and can ride in one category below their normal race category if they wish to enter either the 4ths or 3rds race 

Riders do not have to join the West Thames league to participate (yearly cost £12) but if they do they will benefit from a reduction on entry fees and also will take preference for acceptance for events. In 2021 all events were full throughout the year! 

Although the Risk Assessment for the cct allows fields of 80 riders in one race we restrict the number of 4th cat riders to 60.

Those registering for the league will be issued with a race number of the season which they must keep and bring to all events!

Cash prizes will be given for the top 6 places in both the E/1/2/3 and  3rds races, prizes for the 4th category race will be energy products and for the last 3 years we have always had a weekly memento for the winner of the 4th cat race and will be doing again for 2022

An overall series will also run over the season. All riders finishing in the top 10 will be awarded points. Last year we had 10 cash prizes for those in the top placings at the end of the season and our sponsors provided extra prizes namely a set of road wheels for the top 3 along with trophies.


BC Ranking Points will awarded in both events.

It is crucial that you pin your race number in the correct position as photo finish equipment is used. This enable the organisers to pay prize money on the night.. 

Results/links to photo' and all up to date info regarding league positions will be posted up on the West Thames facebook page

3rd Category riders can choose their race, however if they move up to ride the E/1/2/3 they can not swap back unless there are extenuating circumstances .

The event is run as Regional C+ classification.

The 4th event is aimed at providing competitors a great facility to build race skills and experience. Prizes are awarded for top 6 riders.

NOTE: Secure lockers are provided within the club house for a refundable £2.00 deposit, please do not leave valuables within your vehicle. The organising team cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to equipment left in such a way.

Race results and photos will be posted up on the following facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/557235464401072/ as well as the results being sent to British Cycling

The distances of the races will increase with the lighter evenings. 

Saturday race times are as follows.

4ths  1.30 p.m.  

3rds  2.20 p.m.

E/1/2/3  3.20 p.m.

Tuesdays the 4th Cat race starts prompt at 6.30 p.m. with the start time of the other 2 races  starting at 7:05 p.m. for the 1st 2 Tuesdays and then will start at 7:15 p.m.

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Tue, 26th Apr 2022

Event Type:

Closed Circuit (Competitive)


Hillingdon Cycle Circuit, Springfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0LP

View map


Confirmed Results

West Thames 4th Cat

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
West Thames 4th Cat - Results
1.  Ramon Almeida Lea Valley CC Finished 3rd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
2.  Luke Adams Dulwich Paragon CC Finished N/A 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
3.  Max Parrott Islington Cycling Club Finished 4th 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
4.  Bryce Matthewson Muswell Hill Peloton Finished 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished
5.  Hugo Bulleid Cycling Club Hackney Finished 4th 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
6.  Daniel Lynch Reading CC Finished 4th 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
7.  Matthew Little London Dynamo Finished 4th 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
8.  Luke Stratford Farnborough & Camberley CC Finished 4th 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
9.  Michal Borkowski Thames Velo Finished 4th 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
10.  Andrew Rae Finished 4th 1

10.  Andrew Rae -

Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
11.  Jonny D Finished D 0

11.  Jonny D -

Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: D
12.  Joshua Carnell Finished 4th 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th

West Thames Women's

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
West Thames Women's - Results
1.  Emily Proud Grinta Coaching Finished 2nd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
2.  Alice McWilliam BIANCHI HUNT MORVELO Finished 2nd 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
3.  Suzetta Guerrini Jadan Vive le Velo Glasdon Finished 2nd 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
4.  Lena Kane Wolfox CAMS Le Col RT Finished N/A 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: N/A
5.  Cecilia Ricks Grinta Coaching Finished 4th 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
6.  Dannielle Watkinson The Phoenix Collective Finished 2nd 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
7.  Charlotte Dexter Grinta Coaching Finished 2nd 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
7.  Laura Leeson Onyx Racing Team Finished 4th 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 4th
9.  Charlotte Matthews Onyx Racing Team Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
10.  Penny Colloff Wolfox CAMS Le Col RT Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
11.  Emily Chilton Saint Piran WRT Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
12.  Laura Haydon Paceline RT Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd


Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
E/1/2/3 - Results
1.  Charles Page Saint Piran Finished Elite 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
2.  Timothy Lynch London Dynamo Finished Elite 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
3.  Conor McGoldrick DAS Richardsons Finished Elite 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: Elite
4.  Craig Cole Team Solo Vinci Finished 1st 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
5.  Andrew Rigg Foran CT Finished 2nd 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
6.  Clay Davies Spirit Racing Team Finished 1st 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
7.  Oliver Hucks Saint Piran Finished 1st 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
8.  George Wells Onyx Racing Team Finished 2nd 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
9.  Monte Guerrini 05-03 Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
10.  Matt Bailey High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 2nd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
11.  Joshua Avery Spirit Racing Team Finished 1st 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st
12.  Declan Egan Kingston Wheelers CC Finished 2nd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
12.  Theodor Obholzer Saint Piran Finished 1st 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 1st

3rd Cat only

Position Name Club name Rider status Category Points
3rd Cat only - Results
1.  Daniel Mcquillan Finished 3rd 10
Points: 10 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
2.  Joshua Bathurst Finished 3rd 8
Points: 8 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
3.  Christian Bright trainSharp Development Team Finished 3rd 7
Points: 7 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
4.  Alan Jay Brazier Finished 3rd 6
Points: 6 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
5.  Jacob Avery High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 2nd 5
Points: 5 | Status: Finished | Category: 2nd
6.  James Foster High Wycombe Cycling Club Finished 3rd 4
Points: 4 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
7.  Kazimierz Rys United Eagles Cycling Team Finished 3rd 3
Points: 3 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
8.  Louis Hatchwell CC London Finished 3rd 2
Points: 2 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
9.  James Buchanan Balham Cycling Club Finished 3rd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
10.  Darryl Green Watford Velo Sport Finished 3rd 1
Points: 1 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
11.  Reuban Davey Abellio - SFA Racing Team (202... Finished 3rd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd
12.  Stephen Tiernan BmthCycleworks VitecFire FordC... Finished 3rd 0
Points: 0 | Status: Finished | Category: 3rd

About the Event

Info for Riders

Thank you for your race entry,

Saturday race times are as follows.

4ths  1.30 p.m.  

3rds  2.20 p.m.

E/1/2/3  3.20 p.m.

Tuesdays the 4th Cat race starts prompt at 6.30 p.m. with the start time of the other 2 races  starting at 7:05 p.m. for the 1st 2 Tuesdays and then will start at 7:15 p.m.

No warming up on the cct whilst racing is taking place.

The normal direction of the races will be clockwise. In the event of the E/1/2/3s catching the 3rds, we will use the short cut of the circuit to avoid the bunches passing each other . Any lapped riders must pull out with 3 laps to go.

All prizes will be awarded on the night. Any prizes not claimed at the end of the evening will be put into the overall race kitty.

Please ensure you ride safely and stay rubber side down.

Any queries re the results please make contact with the organiser ASAP after the event .

Results will be e-mailed to British Cycling as soon as the results are ratified.

In the case of inclement weather the races will only be cancelled if deemed to be too dangerous to race and this decision will be jointly made by the organiser /Commissaire- in the event of any cancelation riders will be offered a new date for their entry to be moved to.

Any updates will be publicised on the West Thames Facebook page.  

The Races

West Thames 4th Cat Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 18:30 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 40 mins
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 18:30
Regional C+, Band 5
40 mins
West Thames Women's Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 18:30 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 45 mins
Tue 26/04/22 – 18:30
Regional C+, Band 5
45 mins
E/1/2/3 Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 19:05 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 01 hr
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 19:05
Regional C+, Band 5
01 hr
3rd Cat only Race
Date Start Classification Band Rider Cat Duration
Tue 26/04/22 19:05 Regional C+ Band 5 --- 50 mins
Entry: On Day: (£20.00)
Tue 26/04/22 – 19:05
Regional C+, Band 5
50 mins

Disclaimer: This event listing has been supplied by a registered event organiser. The views and statements expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of British Cycling or its associated federations. British Cycling does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of those views or statements and does not accept any legal liability whatsoever arising from any reliance on the views, statements and subject matter of the event listing. This content may include hyperlinks to other web sites that are not owned or controlled by British Cycling. British Cycling has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. All content of communications between event organisers and entrants should adhere to our acceptable usage policy https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/acceptableuse. If you believe any content to be inappropriate please report it to events@britishcycling.org.uk