Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial

Reliability Trial , Angus – Sunday, 01 Oct 2023

Event Summary

Event Overview

Dundee Thistle Reliability Trials on Sunday 1st October 2023 Millennium Hall, Birkhill - DD2 5QE 

£5 entry on the day.

Hall opens 8:30am

70 mile route, Little Glenshee, Leaves at 9:30 am

55 mile route, Bankfoot, Leaves at 10:00 am

35 mile route, Murthly, Leaves at 10:30 am

Free Buffet on completion of your run, with the usual, soup, sandwiches, homebaking, tea, coffee etc

Dundee Thistle Reliability Ride: Rider Participation Agreement:

A Reliability ride is;
• A club based informal ride which takes place on the public highway
• It is an unsupported ride
• It is not a race or competitive ride, riders should be prepared to stop or slow at all junctions and regroup after all junctions or traffic lights.

There are;
• no marshals on the route.
• limited route signage and no directional sign posts.
• no feed or water stations
• a first aid kit will be available at the start / finish.

Participants will / must;
• follow the highway code,
• have a safe to use bicycle & wear a cycle helmet,
• have appropriate clothing for the weather conditions on the day,
• know the planned route of the ride before setting off,
• follow good cycling and group riding etiquette,
• carry enough food and drink to complete the event.
• be able to support themselves in the event of a mechanical, puncture or other issue, & recommended to carry a mobile phone.

Riders participate at their own risk.

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Sun, 1st Oct 2023

Event Type:

Reliability Trial (Non-Competitive)


Millenium Hall, Main Road, Muirhead, Angus, DD2 5QE

View map

Event promoted by:

Dundee Thistle RC (website)

Event Website:

Visit Website

About the Event

Info for Riders

Parking  spaces available at the Hall, if parking outwith the hall car park please be considerate to local residents and road users.

The three routes are the same as we have been used for the past few years;

The 70mile route will be split into two paces and leaves at 9:30am, fast group(s) 18mph + and will leave first, followed by the steady group(s) 17mph.

The 55 mile route will leave at 10:00 am group(s) looking to average 17mph

The 35 mile route leaves at 10:30 am, this is aimed at those looking for a steady leisure paced ride, 14 - 15mph max If you are unsure of the route please familiarise yourself with the Strava/ GPX routes posted.




In the event of changes to the planned routes due to unforeseen circumstances these will be provided on the day of the event.

Any questions in advance, please contact the club directly via the FB page or email club secretary via British Cycling website.

The Rides

Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 70 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 09:30 --- --- 04 hr / plus 1 laps / 113km / 70 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 09:30
04 hr / plus 1 laps / 113km / 70 miles
Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 55 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 10:00 --- --- 04 hr / plus 1 laps / 89km / 55 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 10:00
04 hr / plus 1 laps / 89km / 55 miles
Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 35 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 10:30 --- --- 03 hr / plus 1 laps / 56km / 35 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 10:30
03 hr / plus 1 laps / 56km / 35 miles

Event Summary

Event Overview

Dundee Thistle Reliability Trials on Sunday 1st October 2023 Millennium Hall, Birkhill - DD2 5QE 

£5 entry on the day.

Hall opens 8:30am

70 mile route, Little Glenshee, Leaves at 9:30 am

55 mile route, Bankfoot, Leaves at 10:00 am

35 mile route, Murthly, Leaves at 10:30 am

Free Buffet on completion of your run, with the usual, soup, sandwiches, homebaking, tea, coffee etc

Dundee Thistle Reliability Ride: Rider Participation Agreement:

A Reliability ride is;
• A club based informal ride which takes place on the public highway
• It is an unsupported ride
• It is not a race or competitive ride, riders should be prepared to stop or slow at all junctions and regroup after all junctions or traffic lights.

There are;
• no marshals on the route.
• limited route signage and no directional sign posts.
• no feed or water stations
• a first aid kit will be available at the start / finish.

Participants will / must;
• follow the highway code,
• have a safe to use bicycle & wear a cycle helmet,
• have appropriate clothing for the weather conditions on the day,
• know the planned route of the ride before setting off,
• follow good cycling and group riding etiquette,
• carry enough food and drink to complete the event.
• be able to support themselves in the event of a mechanical, puncture or other issue, & recommended to carry a mobile phone.

Riders participate at their own risk.

Event Details

Event URN:


Start Date:

Sun, 1st Oct 2023

Event Type:

Reliability Trial (Non-Competitive)


Millenium Hall, Main Road, Muirhead, Angus, DD2 5QE

View map

Event promoted by:

Dundee Thistle RC (website)

Event Website:

Visit Website

About the Event

Info for Riders

Parking  spaces available at the Hall, if parking outwith the hall car park please be considerate to local residents and road users.

The three routes are the same as we have been used for the past few years;

The 70mile route will be split into two paces and leaves at 9:30am, fast group(s) 18mph + and will leave first, followed by the steady group(s) 17mph.

The 55 mile route will leave at 10:00 am group(s) looking to average 17mph

The 35 mile route leaves at 10:30 am, this is aimed at those looking for a steady leisure paced ride, 14 - 15mph max If you are unsure of the route please familiarise yourself with the Strava/ GPX routes posted.




In the event of changes to the planned routes due to unforeseen circumstances these will be provided on the day of the event.

Any questions in advance, please contact the club directly via the FB page or email club secretary via British Cycling website.

The Rides

Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 70 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 09:30 --- --- 04 hr / plus 1 laps / 113km / 70 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 09:30
04 hr / plus 1 laps / 113km / 70 miles
Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 55 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 10:00 --- --- 04 hr / plus 1 laps / 89km / 55 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 10:00
04 hr / plus 1 laps / 89km / 55 miles
Dundee Thistle Reliability Trial - 35 miles Ride
Date Start Classification Rider Cat Duration
Sun 01/10/23 10:30 --- --- 03 hr / plus 1 laps / 56km / 35 miles
Entry: On Day: (£5.00)
Sun 01/10/23 – 10:30
03 hr / plus 1 laps / 56km / 35 miles

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