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National Talent Camp returns for 2015

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British Cycling’s Go-Ride team and the Youth Sport Trust are giving young volunteers across England an opportunity to get involved in the 2015 National Talent Camp, as either a young coach or young official.

The National Talent Camp will provide a select number of young volunteers with the chance to attend a residential camp, which will bring together three different strands coaching, officiating and athletes – to grow in their individual roles and promote a shared learning environment.

The National Talent Camp will take place from the 18 to 21 December at Loughborough University, providing a unique opportunity for the officials, coaches and athletes of the future. The camp will bring together over 350 of the country’s most talented sports people in a multi-sport, multi-disciplinary environment and will help participants to reflect upon what type of official or coach they want to be, and how to develop their skills.

Throughout the weekend, the young volunteers will attend sport-specific workshops to set the context for their sport and multi-sport sessions to help them to develop skills, such as performance philosophy, taking ownership of behaviours, managing emotions and understanding the value and importance of operating to high standards.

Ali Oliver, managing director at the Youth Sport Trust, said: “We know that behind every participant and athlete is a coach, and central to every high quality competition is a skilled official. Our aim for the young coaches and young officials who attend this camp is that they gain a real understanding of the importance of developing their skills to be the best they can be both in sport and in life, and become role models for the next generation of our sporting workforce.”

National Talent Camp Leaflet

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity then please complete the application form by Monday 5th October. If you have any questions then please contact one of the Go-Ride team on or 0161 274 2070.


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