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British Cycling Coaching Scholarship

British Cycling Coaching Scholarship

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Coaching Scholarship With British Cycling

Posted: 6th May

Following a hugely successful pilot year, British Cycling is looking for two candidates for its 12 month Coaching Scholarship Programme.

The primary aim of the funded Scholarship is to provide individuals who are committed to a career in coaching the opportunity to work closely with British Cycling, to broaden their experience and further their personal development.

In the case of the class of 2010, this certainly was the case as the candidates used their time effectively to strengthen their knowledge and develop opportunities into paid employment and elite racing.

Michael Vickers, 24, managed his time working with young people in his day job as a Sports Coordinator at a Pupil Referral Unit in Derby with his responsibilities as a scholar. Typically, these involve an expectation that candidates will develop their own coaching knowledge by completing a relevant British Cycling coaching qualification as well as actively pursue and engage with a wide variety of personal development opportunities, facilitated by British Cycling's Coaching and Education team.

Vickers achieved this as, amongst other achievements, he won a place on the Steve Peat Syndicate for the 2011 season and became a qualified Level 2 BMX and Mountain Bike Coach. The experience of working so closely with British Cycling has certainly been a positive one according to Micahel.

"The opportunities that I have been given I would never have managed without being on the Scholarship," Vickers said.

"I'd like to thank the team at British Cycling, especially my mentor Charlie Evans (a Coaching and Education Officer for British Cycling), who has been a big part of the scholarship for me. The knowledge that he has got is second to none really.

"I recently got to observe Jeremy Hayes at the BMX Talent Team. That is something that I wouldn't have been able to do without the help of British Cycling and my mentor, but they're the sort of opportunities I'm getting from the Scholarship."

A second scholar on the programme in 2010 was Belinda Tarling, who has been an active club coach and a very successful cross-country mountain bike racer. Having progressed through the programme Belinda has also developed her coaching practice through attending British Cycling's Coach Education programme and other opportunities with the Talent Team and Scottish Rugby. She is now a practising Level 2 Coach and tutors core and Mountain Bike specific courses for British Cycling.

The 12- month scholarship will consist of a wide variety of coach development opportunities, tailored to meet the specific needs of the successful candidate. Scholars will be given opportunities to work with British Cycling performance coaching staff at races, Regional and National Schools of Racing, training camps and coaching sessions.

Scholars will be provided with funding to enhance their British Cycling coaching qualifications, attend conferences and numerous other professional development interventions. In addition to being supported by the Coach Education team, successful scholars will be expected to keep detailed coaching diaries and fully engage in reflective practice.

Charlie Evans, a Coaching and Education Officer with British Cycling, mentors the programme and is keen to see how the course can develop the skills of another two prospective coaches.

He said: "The Scholarship programme has been an effective avenue for British Cycling to indentify talented individuals who are looking to progress their coaching knowledge and tailor tuition and specific opportunities to help them progress.

"It has been a really interesting and rewarding experience to identify suitable openings and courses for these scholars and to see how they have improved their knowledge through their own dedication and commitment.

"We have had nothing but positive feedback from those involved and through building on last year's pilot scheme, we are looking to further strengthen established relationships and improve upon the success of 2010 with a great programme for the year ahead."

Evidence of a desire to develop existing coaching knowledge is a must for any interested applicants, but further details of what is required can either be found by contacting the Coaching and Education Team, or via the Scholarship Description in the Vacancies section

Email: coaching@britishcycling.org.uk
Phone: 0161 274 2060

To apply for this scholarship, please download and complete a Scholarship Application Form and return to: humanresources@britishcycling.org.uk or post to:

British Cycling,
National Cycling Centre,
Stuart Street,
M11 4DQ.

Closing Date for Applications is 12 noon on Thursday, 12th May 2011
Interviews will take place on Thursday, 26th May 2011 (evening appointments available)


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