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Go-Ride Conferences: Club Management, Marketing and Clubmark

Go-Ride Conferences: Club Management, Marketing and Clubmark

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Article three of our Go-Ride Conference build-up highlights a key workshop in the itinerary, with a focus on club management, marketing and Clubmark. Places are still available for this year’s events, but with nearly 400 volunteers signed up already it is a good idea to book your place as soon as possible.

If you haven’t yet let us know you're coming, please download and the online Invitation and return it via email to:

Go-Ride Volunteers
(Contacts, Secretaries, Club Volunteers and Helpers)

Alongside a practical demonstration of the benefits of working with the new British Cycling Club Management Tool, the morning session will give volunteers a chance to reflect on club activities with volunteers from other clubs.

Discussions will be facilitated on successes following the summer and how clubs can develop their offer for existing members, with particular focus on those reaching the junior age bracket. Delegates will also have the opportunity to reflect on the expectations of, achieving and maintaining Clubmark accreditation. Alternatively there will be an opportunity to join another morning session running parallel to discuss the role of the volunteer coordinator and some key challenges in volunteering such as recruitment of new faces, roles and recognition.

The afternoon session features an interactive Marketing Essentials workshop delivered by industry experts. The topics covered will include the basics of marketing, web and social media usage, building the vision and brand of your club and attracting and retaining members. A wide variety of real-life examples will be employed to demonstrate the concepts and outcomes.

For further information:
Phone: 0161 274 2070


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