NTC 25
Redditch Road and Path host first ever womens only Go-Ride Racing event

Redditch Road and Path host first ever womens only Go-Ride Racing event

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On Sunday 19 January Redditch Road and Path CC hosted the first ever womens only Go-Ride Racing event at Tudor Grange in Solihull. On a sunny, but chilly afternoon 25 women and girls signed on for the event, organised by Steph Holmes who is our British Cycling National Youth Forum representative.

Taking the initiative Steph prepared three events aimed at those who have not raced before. A 1 km time trial, a 100m match sprint and 2 full circuit races based on ability from the previous times were on the varied menu for the day.

There were riders with a range of abilities, from those who were used to riding, to the very first timers. Club member Carol Franks, who normally takes on various volunteering roles, competed in every race and gave the other ladies a run for their money in the sprints, despite only having the use of one leg. It was a great event with all the usual competitiveness that comes with racing. Isla Mason who is only 11 years of age held her own and managed to show her skill and fitness in the final race beating many of the more experienced women.

British Cycling were out in force to support the event, as were the locals who were loving the competitive and sometimes furious racing. As the sun was setting the final results were released with Clare Spencer in first, Melanie Potter second and Stephanie Peters third. Regardless of results all of the ladies enjoyed their first taste of competitive racing and vowed to return for the next event on 9 February, full details here.

Thanks to all that helped make the event a great success, especially Steph Holmes and young yolunteers Fraser Salkeld, Annie Lyndsey, Gareth Richardson, Joe Geehan and Sulli Berry. The competitors were rewarded for their efforts with chocolate brownies and Holmes presented all the volunteers with well earned mars bars which were greatfully received a nice touch.


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