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CAYV - Young Volunteer Passport

CAYV - Young Volunteer Passport

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Participants in the Cycling Award for Young Volunteers programme can log their volunteering hours using the Volunteer Passport. This is included at the back of the resource pack that all young volunteers are given at the introductory workshop.

What do I do with the passport?

When you have completed some volunteering make sure to record the details in your Volunteer Passport. The pages include boxes for simple information:

  • The volunteering option (I.E. Coaching, Running a Club or Officiating)
  • The opportunity (E.G. assisting with a coaching session)
  • Date
  • Time
  • Hours for this opportunity
  • Hours completed so far
  • Description of what you did
  • Signature (to be signed by a club or event representative or regional staff member)

Even if you forget to take your Volunteer Passport with you when you volunteer, you can always fill it in afterwards and ask a relevant person to sign it at a later date.

Once you have completed 12 hours (bronze award), 24 hours (silver) and 36 hours (gold) send back the summary slip for each level to:

Development Officer for Young Volunteers, British Cycling, Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ.

You will then receive the relevant rewards in the post:

  • Bronze - certificate.
  • Silver - certificate, free silver British Cycling membership.
  • Gold - certificate, free gold British Cycling membership, free polo t-shirt, invitation to annual awards dinner and a cut glass award.


Log pages

Summary and send pages


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