British Cycling Commute Membership
Member Profile: Grace Lambert-Smith

Member Profile: Grace Lambert-Smith

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Name: Grace Lambert-Smith
Age: 24
From: Manchester

What kind of riding do you do?
Road, sportives, track cycling.

What do you enjoy most about cycling?
I feel so free when I ride. I get to see places and scenery I otherwise wouldn’t be able to see unless I’m on a bike and I’ve made friends I wouldn’t have ordinarily met were it not for cycling. It’s also a great way to get around, often more practical and sometimes quicker than driving, it keeps me fit and gives me an appreciation for those at the top of the sport. There’s nothing quite like cycling around in summer with friends for hours on end.

What’s your favourite ride?
When I lived in Adelaide, my favourite climb was Norton Summit then loop around and descend Montecute. Here in Manchester, I’ve enjoyed Cheshire lanes with a taste of the Peak District.

What’s your top cycling tip to share?
Spinners are winners – don’t grind too high a gear as it will put unnecessary pressure on your knees resulting in injury. The small chainring is your friend!

If you had a tandem, who would you like to ride it with?
Marcel Kittel

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