Report: British Fourcross Series Round 6

Report: British Fourcross Series Round 6

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Report: British Fourcross Series Round 6
Beaumont and Curd take final round

Words and Photography By Andy Dunwoody
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Scott Beaumont rescued his domestic season at the death, winning the final round of the British Fourcross Series at Chicksands today.

Beaumont's first win of the Series this year came in contrast to his domination in 2009, but following six months dominated by misfortune, illness and injury, it was the best he could manage under the circumstances.

British Fourcross Series Champion, Will Longden will have wanted to go out in style, but ended his season with retirement, irritating an injury mid-race.

On a Chicksands track that had been seriously revised to include a pairing of make-or-break ninty degree bends - totally removing the posibility to hit the triple went down badly.

In the women's race Suzanne Lacey took the race - and by our points estimation - the Series. Racing on the day was between Katy Curd, fresh from a finals appearance at the World Championships, and Charlotte Green. Traditionally, Green rides BMX for the British Cycling Talent Team, but switched to big wheels today and kept Curd honest.

Result (Provisional)

Elite Men
1. Scott Beaumont
2. Scott Roberts
3. Tom Dowie
4. Duncan Ferris

Elite Women
1. Katy Curd
2. Charlotte Green
3. Suzanne Lacey
4. Cara Murray