Welsh Cycling support the Gwent Police Cycle Safety Campaign throughout July

Welsh Cycling support the Gwent Police Cycle Safety Campaign throughout July

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Throughout July, Gwent Police is running a campaign to improve cycle safety in Gwent backed by Welsh Cycling.

The campaign focuses on raising awareness of steps cyclists, motorists and other road users can take to stay safe on our roads.

In July last year there was the highest number of road traffic collisions in Gwent involving a cyclist compared to other months.  There were two fatal collisions, one serious and ten slight.

During the campaign Gwent Police’s roads policing officers will be undertaking cycle patrols focussing on the most popular urban cycle routes in the force area. This will be complimented by a social media campaign on the Force Facebook and Twitter pages focussing on education and engagement. Leaflets promoting cycle safety and crime prevention advice will also be circulated to local amenities such as bike shops, leisure centres and libraries.

Officers launched the campaign at the Bailey Park Bike Bash in Abergavenny on Saturday 28 June ahead of the British Cycling National Road Race Championships.

PS Jason Love, leading the campaign, said:

"Cycling can be great fun, a good way to stay fit and is for some, a necessity to get from A to B, however cyclists can be vulnerable and it can come with risks.

This campaign has been designed to increase awareness of the safety precautions cyclists can take, and to promote how road users can share the road safely.  Ultimately our aim is to reduce the number collisions on Gwent roads.

I would encourage people to get online and follow our Facebook and Twitter feeds where we will be giving out advice and tips throughout July on how they can stay safe."

Find out more about the campaign at Gwent Police.