Meet HSBC UK Breeze Rider, Amy from South Wales as she tells her story about getting into cycling.
Amy has always enjoyed cycling but never had the confidence or knowledge to ride further than her local area on her own.
“My Welsh teacher told me that she had signed up to do Velothon Wales, as part of the Velothon Breeze team. I had heard of Breeze but wasn’t sure what it was so she told me about it. After watching her riding in the Velothon, I signed up.”
Like many young women, Amy has tried several different sports, including ice skating and badminton, but cycling is her real passion. “I try to get my friends to come out on rides with me but only one has ever taken me up on the offer…I am very happy I signed up to Breeze as I have met a lot of lovely women and received amazing support from my Breeze Champion,” says Amy.
Amy’s first Breeze ride was led by one of our Caerphilly Breeze Champions, Andrea, and since that first ride with her, Amy feels her strength and confidence on the bike has definitely increased.
Andrea like all our HSBC UK Breeze Champions is a volunteer, running rides in her own spare time. The Breeze Programme is the biggest ever responsible for getting more women riding bikes in the UK, and is led by women for women. Ride distance varies, starting from a few miles and upwards, and the guided bike rides aim to empower women to change the face of cycling for good and leave a lasting legacy in their area.
“HSBC UK Breeze Women only rides appealed to me as it made me feel more comfortable”.
Amy now rides at least once a week and is hoping to become a HSBC UK Breeze Champion herself in the future. When asked to summarise cycling in three words, she said, “Fun, Adventure and Exciting” and it was even the topic of her recent Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification, which she named ‘Road Safety: Cyclists’. To those thinking of joining a Breeze ride, Amy says “Go for it, you can find a ride that is suitable for you and then build yourself up! Also, the women are really friendly and great to ride with!”
If you would like more information on Breeze rides and would like to find a ride in your area, then please visit