Rider Diary: Tracy Moseley Part 4


Rider Diary: Tracy Moseley
Interview with Tracy Moseley - September 2009

Britain's most established female downhiller, Tracy Moseley has been racing at the highest level for 15 years and is one of the only gravity racers to have won a round of both the downhill and fourcross World Cup, alongside multiple national titles and the prestigeous UCI Downhill Mountain Bike World Cup in 2006. With only the rainbow stripes elluding the Malvern-based rider, 2010 and Mont St. Anne would be an apt counterpoint to Steve Peat's astonishing World Championship title in 2009. Read Tracy's feature-length interview here, before catching the latest in her rider diary.


April 6 2010
Desperately seeking sunshine...

March turned out to be a pretty busy month with the races starting and lots of downhill bike action!

My first trip was down to the much talked about downhill venue in the South West, Gawton. Having seen videos and heard good things about the place I jumped at the opportunity to go and ride when a girls DH riding weekend was suggested. It also tied in with a Dirt Magazine feature, as they have teamed up with Gawton to start a new challenge on the track like the old 1.04 track they used to have. Gawton have Freelap timing in place so it's possible for anyone to turn up, rent a watch and have a go at posting their fastest time. I think it's going to be like the ‘Top Gear' scoreboard of times up on the website at some point! So it worked out that my visit there would mean me posting the first official pro time on the track! I also did some photos and film for Dirt with the rest of the girls.


It was a great weekend; the weather was kind to us which always helps. It certainly is a great little venue, tucked away in the middle of nowhere, with 3 different tracks to have a go at. We used the main Super Tavi track for the timing and filming; it's a very man made track, but with some great features and some steep tight turns which are pretty hard to master. It certainly took me a few runs to work out where I needed to be on the course and I ended up posting a time of 2.11min. It was a few seconds off the fastest times of the locals, but I'll have to see how it holds up over the coming months as more people go down and post their times! I think I'll be heading back to try and go faster sometime over the summer!

The following weekend was a trip up to Innerleithen for the final round of the Alpine Bikes winter series. The first 2 rounds had been a bit of a disaster because the track was covered in snow and frozen however I had timed it right and although there was still a little snow at the top, the rest of the track was in great condition. It was great to be racing again and although I rode ok, I certainly felt a bit rusty and a bit out of race fitness and practice!

I did another 2 downhill races in March, my first trip from home in a good few months was out to Vigo in Spain for a race. I really was hoping for some sunshine on this trip, but sadly I seemed to take the rain with me as it rained the whole weekend pretty much! Again it was a great weekends training and another good first place finish to start the season off well. The other race was a little closer to home at Pearce Cycles' first race at Bringewood. Again another mudfest and another win, so I'm certainly ready for any wet races this year.

I have also been riding downhill quite a lot at home, I only have a 50 second track but it's all good time on the DH bike and the mud at home is so slippery its great training. That combined with some intervals, gym session and road rides my training has certainly picked up over the last few weeks. I even did a local time trial at the end of the month - only a 5.5mile one but that still hurt enough!

I'm now sat on a plane as I write this on my way out to America for our team training camp, racing at the Sea Otter Classic and the first round of the Pro Gravity Series in Seattle. Next time I'll hopefully have sun burn to complain about, not the rain.
