Choppers for Charity

Choppers for Charity


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Choppers for Charity

Posted: 9th August 2010

Carl Pawson age 36, team Swift, a handy road man and a 10 mile PB of 20.42 as a taste for all things retro including a 1977 Ford Capri, a 1936 Sun tandem, a Morris Minor and a stable of Raleigh Choppers.

Carl turns heads up and down Pendle on his daily commute to work onboard his pride and joy, a mark 2 1976 purple blinged up Chopper !

His local, The Lord Rodney in Colne Lancashire, has turned out to be the nucleus for a localised Chopper explosion! Challenged to a race outside the pub by a gang of mountain bikers, Carl duly obliged and left them for dead in a Le Mans type 200 m dash.

He now has up to 15 Chopper riders out on a Thursday night sampling a few ales up and down Pendle but primarily to boost sponsorship for the Pendleside Hospice. Not content with a burn up outside the Rodney, Karl with the help of Pendle Forrest C.C as organised a sponsored 8 mile Chopper time trial in 70s gear on Thursday 26th of August. If any one would like to support Carl and his Chopper gang visit 


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