Report: Downing Wins Lincoln GP

Report: Downing Wins Lincoln GP

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Downing Claims Lincoln GP Hat-Trick

May 10, 2009; Lincoln
A British Cycling Premier Calendar Event
Report & Pictures by Larry Hickmott
(thanks to NEG motorcycle pilot Graham Harper for his help)


Russell Downing (CandiTV-Marshalls Pasta) won the 2009 Lincoln GP in typically forthright style on a gloriously sunny day, ideal for bike racing. It was his third win in the race which was once again an attritional battle, with most of the action centered on the cobbled Michaelgate climb in Lincoln, so often the key to winning the race. After three hours of action, it all came down to a battle between three star riders over the final lap, with Russell Downing duly seeing off the challenge of Ian Wilkinson (Halfords Bikehut) and Chris Newton (Rapha Condor) to claim the win in front of a huge crowd.

The Race

A field of almost 200 riders signed on at the start of the race and prepared for the 10am start time. A thirty minute delay, whilst police cleared parked cars from the route, merely heightened the anticipation before, finally, the race was given the all clear and the riders rolled out on to the course.

From the off, the field was restless: there were numerous attacks and breaks were constantly forming and being brought back. As early as lap 1, Russell Downing was in the thick of the action but nothing was getting away until, finally, the elastic broke over the climb of Michaelgate in Lincoln. Rapha Condor's Kristian House was the pacemaker on the climb and when he emerged from the archway at the end of the feedzone, a group of 'names' had joined him and they were clear.

John Tanner, one of the country's top riders in bygone years, on the front again of a big race.

With Kristian House were Rapha teammate Tom Southam, Simon Gaywood (Corley Cycles), Mark McNally and Ian Wilkinson (Halfords Bikehut), Malcolm Elliott and Russell Downing (CandiTV/Marshalls Pasta),  Jonathon Tiernan-Locke (Sport Beans/Wilier) and Jeroen Janssen (Plowman Craven). Dutch rider Arno van der Zwet (Ruiters) crossed to them shortly afterwards, along with Kit Gilham (Sigma Sport).

Even with half the race to go, with so many big hitters present, it was clear that this was the significant break: whilst there was still plenty of life in the peloton, with chasers firing themselves off the front of the bunch and looking to chase down the break, no-one was making an impact.

However, on the Michaelgate climb, a lap later, there was a small but significant shake up. Whilst riders from the CandiTV and Halfords Bikehut teams led the charge up the climb, Kristian House dropped back, apparently for a wheel change. But help was at hand as team-mates Dean Downing and Chris Newton were suddenly closing in and suddenly Rapha had four riders in the break.

Dean Downing admitted after the race that this effort "nailed" him, making him less able to respond in the closing stages of the race, but it was a stunning move, nonetheless, that saw him cross to the leaders in the company of Newton. Meanwhile, behind the break, the main field, which was still 100 strong or more, continued to chase, but it was an increasingly vain effort as the leaders worked together to draw further ahead.

The action then briefly calmed a little as the riders took stock. However, with three laps to go, Russell Downing suddenly upped the pace, charging up the Michaelgate climb, opening a gap on the rest of the leading group as he did so. It was a spectacular move, but with a considerable distance still to ride to the finish, it was no more than a gentle test of the other riders' commitment and the break was soon all back together, with Russell happy to slip to the back briefly for a chat with Malcolm Elliott.

Next time up Michaelgate, with two laps to go, Ian Wilkinson was the rider showing himself at the front as he drove the break hard up the climb, closely followed by Russell Downing and Malcolm Elliott. Gaps were appearing behind them and two riders, Arno van der Zwet and Dean Downing, had a chase to get back on after a losing a few seconds on the climb.

The moment Russell Downing went with a lap to go

Undeterred, Dean Downing then chose to go on the offensive, attacking as the break approached Burton on a long straight section of road. Jonathon Tieran-Locke, Malcolm Elliott and Mark McNally were straight on his wheel and the move was swiftly negated. The break then remained together until the riders returned to the narrow streets of Lincoln, with one lap to go. This is the point where the race has so often been settled and Russell Downing duly launched himself off the front as he hit the cobbles of Michaelgate.

With the big crowd screaming encouragement, Downing went hard up one gutter, with Chris Newton a few lengths adrift, gritting his teeth and chasing hard. Ian Wilkinson chose the other gutter, with Dean Downing a few lengths behind him. Over the top, Russell Downing had a gap of some 50 metres on Newton and Wilkinson and suddenly the rest were nowhere.

As the road flattened out over the top after the climb, Newton and Wilkinson joined Russell Downing, whilst behind them the remnants of the break were doing everything they could to get back into the race, recognizing it was now or never if they were to remain in contention.

However, their efforts came to nothing as the classy leading trio continued to ride away. All seemed set for a grand finale, but although Wilkinson and Newton launched a few attacks before the climb, there was nothing they could do to dislodge Downing who once again pulled clear up Michaelgate and crossed he was able to enjoy his winning celebration as he crossed the line several lengths clear of Wilkinson, with Newton trailing in third.


1. Russell Downing Candi TV Racing Team 3:11:11
2. Ian Wilkinson Halfords Bike Hut 3:11:12
3. Chris Newton Rapha Condor 3:11:25
4. Dean Downing Rapha Condor 3:11:58
5. Malcolm Elliott Candi TV Racing Team "
6. Mark McNally Halfords Bike Hut U23 "
7. Arno van der Zwet Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam "
8. Simon Gaywood Team Corley Cycles "
9. Jonathan Tiernan-Locke Sports Beans/Wilier "
10. Kit Gilham Sigmasport 3:12:18
11. Jeroen Janssen Plowman Craven EM "
12. Kristian House Rapha Condor "
13. Dan Craven Rapha Condor 3:13:04
14. Simon Richardson Rapha Condor "
15. John Tanner Team Sportscover "
16. Peter Williams Candi TV Racing Team "
17. Simon Holt Candi TV Racing Team "
18. Tom Murray Plowman Craven "
19. Tom Slagter Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam U23 "
20. Jon Mozley Plowman Craven "
21. Wouter Sybrandy Sigmasport "
22. Dion Beukeboom Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam U23 "
23. Martin Ford Unattached "
24. Niklas Gustavsson Cyclesport.SE U23 "
25. Christopher McNamara Team Corley Cycles "
26. Tobyn Horton Deschuytter-Abutriek "
27. Dillion Byrne Herbalife/ U23 "
28. David Lines Endura Racing 3:13:23
29. Stephen Adams Plowman Craven EM - U23 "
30. Ross Creber Plowman Craven U23 "
31. Dan Duguid Sigmasport "
32. David McCann Team Ireland "
33. Mark Perry Sports Beans/Wilier "
34. Jason White "
35. David Clarke Pendragon-Kalas EM "
36. Tom Barras Plowman Craven "
37. James Moss KUK Kinesis 3:13:33
38. Richard Wilkinson Sports Beans/Wilier "
39. Evan Oliphant Plowman Craven "
40. Simon Wilson Arctic-Premier Racing Team "
41. Jody Tesselaar Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam "
42. Sean Downey Team Ireland U23 "
43. Will Bjergfelt Sports Beans/Wilier "
44. Ben Thompson BMC UK Racing Team "
45. Grant Bayton Sports Beans/Wilier "
46. Mark Perry Plowman Craven "
47. Duncan Urquhart Endura Racing "
48. Mark Wordsworth Team Corley Cycles "
49. James Sampson Candi TV Racing Team "
50. George Richardson Pendragon-Kalas "
51. R.Kipling KUK Kinesis "
52. Tom Last Sigmasport EM - U23 "
53. Fillip Rudenstam Cyclesport.SE U23 "
54. Tom Southam Rapha Condor "
55. Darren Lapthorne Rapha Condor "
56. Ben Greenwood Rapha Condor "
57. Kevin Dawson Team Sportscover "
58. R.Kipling KUK Kinesis "
59. Rob Partridge Halfords Bike Hut "
60. Ashley Brown Team Sportscover "
61. Matthew Stephens Sigmasport "
62. James Williamson Sigmasport "
63. Matt Rowe Candi TV Racing Team "
64. Joel Stewart AgiskoViner "
65. Simon Wilson Arctic-Premier Racing Team "
66. Thijs Braber Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam "
67. Lee Tunnicliffe 3:13:59
68. Jack Kirk Wyre Forest CRC U23 "
69. Kieran Friend Sabath-Claytan EM - U23 "

Riders Withdrawn 1 Lap To Go
70. Owain Lovell Ashfield Road Club EM
71. Jack Kirk Wyre Forest CRC U23
72. Joe Skipper BMC UK Racing Team U23
73. Carl Dyson EM
74. Harry Penn Mammoth Lifestyle Racing Team U23
75. Phil Axe Sharrow Cycling Club
76. Ian Taylor NFM Racing Team
77. Scott Chalmers U23
78. Wayne Coombs Velo Club Montpellier
79. Dan Kogan BMC UK Racing Team U23
80. Dean Shannon BMC UK Racing Team
81. Josh Andjelkovic Sabath-Claytan U23
82. Ben Stockdale Qoroz-Novatec U23
83. Daniel Drake Lancashire Road Club
84. Collin Humphrey Team Sportscover

1. Mark McNally Halfords Bike Hut
2. Tom Slagter Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam
3. Dion Beukeboom Ruiter Dakkapellen Wielerteam

Best Performance By An East Midlands Based Rider Sponsored By East Midlands Development Agency: Jeroen Janssen Plowman Craven EM

The Brian Cossavella Michaelgate Trophy Sponsored By: Universal Cycles
1. Russell Downing Candi TV Racing Team 19
2. Malcolm Elliott Candi TV Racing Team 11
3. Kristian House Rapha Condor 8
4. Tom Southam Rapha Condor 6
5. Ian Wilkinson Halfords Bike Hut 6
6. Mark McNally Halfords Bike Hut 4
7. Chris Newton Rapha Condor 3
8. Dean Downing Rapha Condor 2
9. Stephen Adams Plowman Craven 2
10. Simon Richardson Rapha Condor 1
11. Matthew Stephens Sigmasport 1
12. Simon Gaywood Team Corley Cycles 1

Sheer delight for Russell Downing

Post race reactions

Russell Downing: After the race, Russell collapsed on the cobbles and when he finally got back on his feet, his manager, Phil Griffiths, gave him a huge bear-hug, showing just how sweet the victory was for the team, as well as for Russell.

"It was a strange race" Russell said as he got his breath back. "I think there must have been a big stamp on my back and everyone was waiting for me. When I went with three to go, I went too hard for anyone to come with me, so I then waited until the last time up."

"The legs were there today for sure. I wanted to whittle it down when there were four Raphas - I wasn't happy with that, which is why I went with three to go. For me and Malc to pull it off with four Raphas in there was great. Malcolm was Mr Cool. When I went with three to go, he just looked at me and smiled and went 'calm'. I like to do the racing with my legs and Malcolm likes to think a bit."

In the closing stages of the race, Russell felt he knew that he was the strongest rider of the leading trio: "we were all working and then I think it was Wilkes who put the first one in and I thought 'obviously he's scared' and Chris looked at me to close it so I did. Hopefully I can win some more of these!" he said finally, as CandiTV riders and staff team shook hands and hugged each other.

The winning break formed on the final lap

Chris Newton: Speaking after the race, Chris said "It was fast early on, flat out because there is a big range of abilities out there and there were crashes on corners and stuff and you have to keep out of that. It's what makes it difficult early on. The group does get smaller and smaller, though."

And on his team's tactics, "we had four riders in there. The idea was to attack on the flat not the climb because then you make people chase when the terrain isn't difficult but you make it difficult. But you can't take anything away from Russell. He was the strongest guy there and he knows it. It is up to other people to make it difficult for him and no-one did and even we didn't with four riders in that break. He just pressed on up the climb every lap from three out and he was always at the front so if any group went, he was there."

"At the end, I just rode in the break and then I thought on the drag before the finish climb I might be able to make a move but after Wilkes attacked, I just didn't have the response from the legs I felt I would have. That's bike racing."

Ian Wilkinson leads the break on Michaelgate

Ian Wilkinson: "Russell is a motivator I think at the minute and he is the standard. I don't think he got it as easy as he did last year which is good, so we're going the right way. He is a class bike rider so to be taking it to him and really racing him at the end instead of letting him dominate is good, but the next step is beating him."

Turning to the final lap, he said "Russell has a good sprint doesn't he? So I made him chase him a  few times and Macca (team-mate Mark McNally) put in a couple of attacks with two to go, because you can't keep waiting - you have to take the race to him. We'll get there, but what an event!"

Other Photos from the day

Russell Downing gets to take home the race trophy for a second year in a row.

Organiser Ian Emmerson OBE presents Russell Downing with the Brian Cossavella trophy.

A super ride by Mark McNally to win the under 23 award.

The Beijing heros, Geraint Thomas, Ed Clancy and Chris Newton are presented to the big crowd in Lincoln.