Road: Smith wins in Highfield Kitchens Series

Home » Road Racing

Location: Middlesbrough Cycle Circuit
Event: 17 March 2012
Report: Snowdon Sports

Third at the March Hare meeting a week earlier, Dan Smith (Velo29 CT) returned to closer home territory to score a solo win in the third round of the Highfield Kitchens Spring Shield Series at the Middlesborough Cycle Circuit.

With a strong team around him, 32-year-old Smith broke away with a lap and a half of the kilometre-long circuit to go and stayed away to cross the line around 20 seconds clear.

Team Wallis-CHH pair Harry Tanfield and Jack Tipper led home the rest of the field with David Clarke (Node4-Giordana Racing), who put in some big turns at the front before Smith’s winning attack, settling for fourth place.

“I got away and the rest sat up and let me go,” said Smith, from Saltburn, who was recording his first win of the season. “I was comfortable at the finish. It’s how it happens – you’ve got to have a bit of luck and things have been going well.”


1 Dan Smith (Velo 29 CT)
2 Harry Tanfield (Team Wallis-CHH CT) @ 20sec
3 Jack Tipper (Team Wallis-CHH CT)
4 David Clarke (Node4-Giordana)
5 Jack Rees (Velo 29 RT)
6 Simon Baxter (Herbalife-Leisure Lakes)
7 Dan Plant (Ferryhill Wheelers)
8 Richard Meadows (Velo29 CT)
9 Taylor Cardus (Velo 29 CT)
10 William Haynes (Black Hawk Bikes)
11 Simon West (Cyclesense)
12 Jack Waller (Team Wallis-CHH CT)
13 Martin Hopkinson (Fiesten Tempo)
14 Tom Timothy (Velo29 CT)
15 Stephen Abbott (Team Wallis-CHH CT)

1 Matt Rossiter (Durham University CC)
2 Will Stavely (Ferryhill Wheelers)
3 Mike Rennison (Cleveland Wh)
4 Iain Beveridge (Sunderland Clarion)
5 Stuart Nielson (Sunderland Clarion)

1 Simon Walsh
2 Tony Rees
3 Hayden Speight
4 Phillip Turton
5 Jaak Van Der Werff

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.