Road: Nick Baker wins at MK Bowl

Home » Road Racing

Location: MK Bowl, Buckinghamshire
Event: 31 March 2012
Report: Snowdon Sports

Nick Baker won the 2/3/4 race at the Team Corley Cycles Circuit Races at the MK Bowl in Buckinghamshire on Saturday, and he led a one-two for Zappi’s CC with team-mate William Tew winning the 4th cat race too.

Baker, 23 and from Oxford, was part of a three-man break which went early in the race at one of the five primes, and the three riders who went for the sprint made the break stick and were more than a minute clear at the finish.

In the sprint for the line Baker was clearly the stronger of the leaders, while Spirit RT’s Mark Baines, 26 and from Aylesbury, took second ahead of fellow escapee Chris Dredge, the 18-year-old Team Corley Cycles rider from Milton Keynes.

“It was really good fun today, said Baker afterwards. “It’s the first time I’ve ridden at Milton Keynes. I’ve been doing a few tough races with Flavio Zappi to step up the pace in preparation for some of the Premier Calendar races later in the year.

“A couple of the primes today were really quite early in the race, and I sprinted off for them and that’s what formed the break of three, and by the line we had about 1:15 on the bunch.

“The sprint was slow and wary – we were all trying to figure out what everybody else was doing, and on the last lap I was on the front for the whole lap. So I dropped the pace a bit and hoped that someone would come past and I could take their wheel. But nobody did, so I just went for it myself.”

The supporting race for fourth category riders was won by his team-mate at Zappi’s CC William Tew, 21 and from Oxford, who beat 35-year-old Banbury-based rider Peter Humphreys (unattached).



1 Nick Baker Zappi's CC

2 Mark Baines Spirit RT

3 Chris Dredge Team Corley Cycles

4 Ben Chapman Team Corley Cycles

5 Peter Hargreaves Strada Sport

6 Aaron McCaffrey Virgin Active

7 Sam Price Team Synergy

8 Daniel Crawley PCH

9 Martin Ruepp York Cycleworks

10 Cameron Foster Zappi's CC

11 Steve Hurrell Strada Sport

12 Paul Bird Virgin Active

13 Ed Watkiss iCycle

14 Jon Munns North Road CC

15 Cameron Smalley North Cotswold

16 Will Jenkins Spirit RT

17 Matt Ulla Team Troueller

18 Patrick Martin Wyndymilla

19 Adam Fisher PM

20 Gavin Spears Vivelo Bikes/Inverse RT

21 Simon Moss Spirit RT

22 Greg Payne Arbis LLB

23 Steven Goodman Twenty3C

24 Simon Henley Team Corley Cycles

25 Linz Barral Twenty3C

26 John Peters CC Luton

27 Sam Lawson Spirit RT

28 Niel Wass Anders

29 Mark Westrup Strada Sport

30 Jonathan Marchini Beeline RT

31 Wayne Maguire PCH

4th Cat:

1 William Tew Zappi's CC

2 Peter Humphreys PM

3 Matthew Hicks Strada Sport

4 Preece Mark RAF

5 Lewis Grey Evesham Whrs

6 Steve Lovell iCycle

7 Nick Adkins Aylesbury CC

8 Dan Hazelwood iCycle

9 James Kingston-Rayes Team Synergy

10 Matthew Burton Rutland Velo

11 Leo Bonito iCycle

12 Simon Stockley Team MK

13 Jordon Mackie Team MK

14 Jared Warbridge Cambridge CC

15 Andrew Lowe Team MK

16 Jamie Hawthorn Club Corley Cycles

17 Wayne Buttrick Arbis LLP

18 Stuart Short iCycle

19 Aleck Hornshaw Club Corley Cycles

20 Tim Hiscocks Banbury Star

21 Graham Mackie Team MK

22 Ron Crighton Club Corley Cycles

23 Sam Tyland Team Synergy

24 Jered Allcock Banbury Star

25 Philip Curtis Cambridge Tri

26 Dave Anson Banbury Star

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.