CDNW win for Kieran Frend

Home » Road Racing

Location: Old Hutton, Cumbria
Event: 15 April 2012
Report: Snowdon Sports

Node 4 Giordana Racing’s Kieran Frend took victory in round five of the Cycling Development North West Road Race League in Old Hutton.

The course was held on small roads and the race remained bunched up for the duration, making it difficult to pass other riders on the way to the front.

Frend managed to stay at the front of the pack from the off and won the race with a sprinting finish with Ben Greenwood of close behind.

Kieran, 23, said after the race: “It’s a tough circuit here with small roads and it was a tough race with lots of little groups coming and going early on and never really splitting up.

“I managed to stay at the front - it’s always better to stay at the sharp end. A group of about 20 got away.

“A few strong riders put attacks in but I kept my cards close to my chest and when Ben went, I was just about to do the same thing myself so it was nice to know that I was in the right place at the right time and that I’d seen it coming.

“When Ben and I got away, we just got our heads down and committed. But I dropped too many gears in one go and I was very worried because of that.

“With all due respect to Ben, I thought I’d beat him in a sprint but my mistake kept me on my toes.”

In the category 3/4 race, Mike Marshall of Yorkshire Velo came first, leading from Kent Valley RC’s James Knox by 45 seconds.



1          Kieran Frend   Node 4 Giordana Racing        03:07:35
2          Ben      Greenwood         st
3          Russell Falder  Cycle Premier Racing Team    @25sec
4          Sam     Boast   Team Hope Factory Racing    st
5          Liam    Glen    The Kinesis Morvelo Project   st
6          Robert Smail   teamwallis - chh          st
7          Kit       Gilham            Herbalife-Leisure Lakes    @1:33
8          Andy   Coupe  Herbalife-Leisure Lakes    @3:01
9          Tom     Black   Cycle Premier Racing Team    st
10        Harry   Grey    Vanilla Bikes R.T.       st
11        James   Sampson          Node 4 Giordana Racing        st
12        David Clarke  Node 4 Giordana Racing        @3:17
13        Andrew           Hawdon          Herbalife-Leisure Lakes     st
14        Ben      Dean    Team Bglobal  st
15        Matthew          Pilkington        Team BGlobal st
16        Matthew          Holmes            Team Raleigh GAC    st
17        Stuart  Reid    wheelbase        st
18        Lee      Baldwin          Buxton cc/sett valley cycles    @3:55
19        Samuel            Jackson            Vanilla Bikes R.T.       @11:35
20        Michael           Ashurst            maxgear crc     @14:35
21        Gordon            Murdoch         Team Cycle Lane        st
22        Jamie   Kennedy         Glasgow Couriers CC st
23        John     Crellin team wallis-chh           st
24        Francis Pilkington        Bill Nickson RT          st
25        Peter    Murdoch         team cyclelane st
26        John     Dodgin            Biketreks Racing Team           @21:10
27        Barry   Crumlish          Glasgow Couriers CC st
28        Richard           Bickley            border city wheelers cc           st
29        Jimmy  Froggatt          Wills Wheels CC         st
30        Lewis  Cravern           Wheelbase MGD        st
31        Grahame          Sumner             st
1          Mike    Marshall          Yorkshire Velo            02:31:20
2          James   Knox   Kent Valley RC          @45s
3          James   Dunlop            Biketreks RT   @1:05
4          Leigh   Cowell Private Member           @1:20
5          John     Agnew            Lune RCC       @1:24
6          Andrew           Horrobin          Lune RCC      
7          Andy   Leigh   Velocity RT    @2:45
8          Tom     Walsh  Lancs RC       
9          Scott    Morley Lune RCC       @2:55
10        Nick    Spencer           Gosforth RC   @3:16
11        Stephen           Smith   Vita Race Team         
12        Ben      Staley  Team Wheelguru         @3:40
13        John     Findley            Bill Nickson Cycles RT          @4:05
14        William            Thomas            Velocity Race Team    @4:10
15        James   Rushton           Aire Valley RT           
16        Lee      Carter  Ribble Valley CRC    
17        Jason   Livesey            Dirtwheels      
18        Daniel  Shoreman        Crosstrax        
19        Neil     Robinson         Lune RCC      
20        Ian       Rutherford      Lune RCC      
21        Christopher     Taylor  border city wheelers   
22        Raymond        Turner  Newcastle Pheonix    
23        Steven Clarke  Wheelbase      
24        John     Bamford          Lancashire Road Club           
25        Chris    Anderson        Biketrek         
26        Luke    Beswick          Buxton CC     
27        Peter    Ware    St Helens CRC           @4:27
28        James   Warren            Bill Nickson Cycles RT          @4:35
29        Darran Acton  LRC    @5:20
30        Richard           Provan Glasgow Couriers      
31        Jake     CowenJakeC   Border city wheelers   @9:00
32        Matt    Reid    Man Wheelers
33        Mick    Style    Manchester Wheelers 
34        John     Kent    Birkenhead North End CC
35        Sean    Hoban VC Cumbria   
36        Michael           Lund   GB Fire Service         
37        Doug   Arnold Liverpool Century RC            @9:33
38        Jamie   Leung  Manchester Wheelers  @13:04

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.