Spring Specials aim for youth and senior riders at Blackpool circuit

Spring Specials aim for youth and senior riders at Blackpool circuit

Home » Road Racing

- 5 May 2012
- 26 May 2012
  - 16 June 2012
Location: Palatine Circuit Palatine Leisure Centre, Blackpool

Delivered by the Palatine Cycling Development Group, ‘The Spring Specials’ will offer an opportunity for youth and senior riders to compete at the excellent Palatine Circuit in Blackpool.

The events include racing for all youth categories and the duration of the events will be appropriate to riders looking to take the next step after Go-Ride Racing with their clubs.

The senior events include a 50 minute 4th cat only race for up to 40 riders and a 50 minute 3rd cat only race for up to 50 riders. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, so riders are encouraged to use the online entry system to guarantee a place at the event.

Palatine Cycling Development Group would welcome additional support from volunteers, both on the day of these events and with the planning of future events at the circuit. If you are interested in being involved, please contact jennygretton@britishcycling.org.uk or visit the events on the above links to enter online.