Road: Stedman leads the way at Redbridge

Home » Road Racing

Location: Redbridge Cycle Centre, Hainault, Essex
Event: 30 June 2012
Report: Snowdon Sports

Close to 100 riders contested the Lee Valley Youth CC Circuit Championships at Redbridge where Max Stedman (Palmer Park Velo) and Lucy Harper (Welwyn Wheelers) landed the Youth A Under-16 titles after 25-km of racing.

Thomas Finch of VC de Londres prevailed in the under 14 race with host club grabbing second through George Jensen. Kathyrn Anderson of Welwyn Wheelers won the girl event.

Lee Valley Youth CC had a winner in the form of Simon Bird in the under 12 race and Welwyn Wheelers had another victory for the girls in Millie Gage.

Aaron Freeman (Chelmer CC) won the under 10 race, with Lee Valley’s Maya Tarlton home first for the girls.

Finally, in the under 8 races, Thomas Davies (Welwyn Wheelers) and Brody Knight (Lee Valley Youth CC) were worthy winners.


Youth A (Under 16):
1 Max Stedman (Palmer Park Velo)
2 Calum Anderton (Kyklos/Edco RT)
3 Jez McCann (PM Racing)
1 Lucy Harper (Welwyn Wheelers)
2 Francesca Morgans-Slader (Lea Valley Youth CC)
3 Bryony Board (Lee Valley Youth CC)
Youth B (Under 14):
1 Thomas Finch (VC de Londres)
2 George Jensen (Lee Valley Youth CC)
3 James Ambrose-Parish (Lee Valley Youth CC)
1 Kathryn Anderson (Welwyn Wheelers)
Youth C (Under 12):
1 Simon Bird (Lee Valley Youth CC)
2 Ben Tullett (Hargroves Cycles)
3 Theo Modell (East London Velo)
1 Millie Gage (Welwyn Wheelers)
2 Josie Griffin (Welwyn Wheelers)
3 Abigail Coles (North Road CC)
Youth D (Under10):
1 Aaron Freeman (Chelmer CC)
2 William Davies (Welwyn Wheelers)
3 Harry Towning (Welwyn Wheelers)
1 Maya Tarlton (Lee Valley Youth CC)
2 Megan Anderton (VC Deal)
3 Amy Marvelly (Hillingdon Slipstreamers)
Youth E (Under 8):
1 Thomas Davies (Welwyn Wheelers)
2 Rhys Haigil (Braintree Velo CRC)
3 Stanley Boyd (CC Hackney)
1 Brody Knight (Lee Valley Youth CC)

British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.