Track: Latest report and results from the Welwyn League

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Location: Gosling Sports Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
Event: 3 May 2013
Report: Peter Waghorn/Snowdon Sports

There was another good evening of racing in the Welwyn Track League on Friday, the Senior A and Youth A groups being particularly competitive.

Prestige riders John Mc Clelland and Kristian Woolf dominated the senior A category battling it out with the local Welwyn Riders and Mike Broadwith for the minor places.

The final 10 mile saw a group of seven riders get away by half distance and the high pace reduced the numbers down to five in the last few laps. At the end McClelland took line honours from Woolf and Hastings and Broadwith with Henry Farrell out of the points in fifth place.

In the Senior B group Anthony Morris won the opening 10 lap scratch while Joe Gorman (Stevenage) made a last lap dash to take the Odds and Evens 10 lap Block Pursuit. Sam Dossett and Joe Gorman tied on points for the 10 lap points – the decision going down to the final lap.

The 15 strong youth A section saw flat out racing in all four events – Jack Plumley was pushed hard by Archie Wishart and Youth B rider Charles Page who was promoted up into the senior group but put in some strong finishes to take two well-earned second places

Cal Jolly dominated the youth BC group taking all four races in four different disciplines

The wide age band in the CDE group saw Christian Manzi take the opening scratch race but the next three handicap races went to front runners as the scratch riders spent too much time watching each other instead of chasing the limit riders. A lesson to be learnt in the next few weeks ?


Senior A
10 lap Scratch: John McClelland (Prestige) Mark Smith (Welwyn Whs) Kristian Woolf (Prestige)
Devil: Kristian Woolf (Prestige) John McClelland (Prestige) George Farrell (Wel;wyn)
10 lap Points: John McClelland (Prestige) Mark Smith (Welwyn Whs) Mike Broadwith (Arctic Sram)
10 miles: John McClelland (Prestige) Kristian Woolf (Prestige) Andrew Hastings (Finchley RT)

Senior B
10 lap Scratch: Anthony Morris (CC Ashwell) Brian Evans (Herts Whs) Ben Smith (Welwyn Whs)
10 lap Block Pursuit: Joe Gorman Ken Roesner (Wisbech) Brian Evans (Herts Whs)
10 lap points: Sam Dossett (Welwyn Whs) Joe Gorman (Stevenage) Ben Smith (Welwyn Whs)

Youth A
10 lap Scratch: Jack Plumley (Welwyn) Charles Page (Hillingdon) Mitchell Powell (Team Terminator)
Devil: Archie Wishart, Jack Plumley, Cameron Gutteridge (all Welwyn)
10 lap Points: Jack Plumley, Archie Wishart, Cameron Gutteridge (all Welwyn)
8 lap Handicap: Jack Plumley (Welwyn) Charles Page (Hillingdon) Archie Wishart (Welwyn)

Youth B
5 lap Scratch: Carl Jolly (Hillingdon) Michael Parry (Welwyn) Will Raymond (Welwyn)
Devil: Carl Jolly (Hillingdon) Will Raymond (Welwyn) Tom Durkin (Welwyn)
Points: Carl Jolly (Hillingdon) Niall Dawkins (Hillingdon) Will Raymond (Welwyn)
6 lap Scratch: Cark Jolly (Hillingdon) Will Raymond (Welwyn) Tobi Miles (Welwyn)

Youth CDE
3 lap Scratch: Christian Manzi (Welwyn) Lauren Higham (Welwyn) Sam Asker (West Suffolk)
3 lap Handicap: Sam Gage, Ben Griffin, Jenna Miles (all Welwyn)
3 lap Handicap: Joe Kiely (Welwyn) Laurn Higham (Welwyn) Owen Williams (Lee Valley)
4 lap Handicap: Lauren Higham, Joe Kiely, Sam Gage (all Welwyn)

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British Cycling would like to thank the organising team, officials and everyone else who helped promote this event. Our sport could not exist without the hundreds of people, many of them unpaid volunteers, who put in many hours of hard work running events, activities and clubs.