Registration now open for Bournemouth’s first ever Criterium

Registration now open for Bournemouth’s first ever Criterium

Home » Road Racing

Location: Westover Road, Bournemouth
Event: 20 July 2013

Elite cyclists from across the UK are invited to Bournemouth’s first ever Criterium race on Saturday 20 July 2013.

Inspired by the success of the Nocturne races of Smithfield Market place London, Bournemouth will close major roads within the town centre for the first time to host a series of elite races.

Kicking off Bournemouth’s Criterium will be the women’s Cat 2, 3, and 4 at 6pm which will then be followed the men’s National B Cat 1, 2,and 3 at 7pm.

Taking in some of Bournemouth’s best sights, the 1.5km course has both technical areas and long straight sections, and should appeal to all types of riders. Starting in the heart of the Town centre, the route flows between ascents and descents and incorporates a number of pinch points where only the toughest will survive. Having jostled and fought for a good position those leading the pack will head onto a downhill straight to the finish. Picking up speed as they go, the route will provide a spectacular for riders and spectators alike.

Held as part of this year’s Night Sky Ride event, and promoted by Sky Ride in partnership with British Cycling the racing is expected to attract thousands to take part throughout the evening. People are encouraged to bring their families along to watch or take part in the Sky Ride that will be held in unison. Finishing off the evening will be a ‘Nightglow Procession’ - the town’s first ever bike light spectacular, where participants of all ages will be able to take part. So, you get to race and bring the family too – win, win!

The entry fee to Bournemouth’s first Criterium is being offered at just £10 and entry closeson Sunday 30th June 2013.

To register please visit