Report: NCRA Summer Handicap - Race 4

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Davies triumphs in Round 4

NCRA Summer Handicaps Race 4
Event: June 21st

The 4th Race of the Northants Cycle Racing Association's Summer Handicap series took place on June 21st over five laps of the six mile Southwick circuit.

From 51 starters, this week's winner was Leighton Davies of Nottingham Clarion, followed closely by Hugh Boyle of Rockingham Forest Wheelers, Matt Garfield of Fenland Clarion, Jonathan Unwin of Welland Valley, Mark Warren and Joe Clarke of Fenland Clarion, Nick Horder of Welland Valley, Richard Ostler of St Neots, Scott McCann of Rockingham Forest Wheelers with Paul Logan of Welland Valley making up the top ten. All were credited with the same time of 1.19.16.