Rider Profile
Name: Katy Winton
Primary Club: Kinesis Morvelo Project
My Dad started the wheel turning by passing his passion for bike riding on to me, and when I won my first race aged 12 I was hooked. Since then I have moved up through various Scottish Cycling and British Cycling Support Programs and, after 2 British Championship titles, 2 British Series wins and achieving my highers, I left School in 2010, aged 17, to pursue my goal of becoming a successful professional cyclist. Since then I've been living the dream.
Career Highlights to date
2nd British U23 Championships 2012
2nd Scottish Downhill Championships 2012
2nd Scottish Road Race Championships
Competing in the Junior European and World Cross Country Championships 2011
Scottish Senior Womens Cyclocross Champion 2011
5th Dalby World Cup 2010
British Junior Series Winner 2011
British Junior XC Champion and Series Winner 2010
British Youth Champion 2009
Who imspires you and why
Fabien Barel. After watching is brilliant Video by MTBcut I was inspired, and still am every time I watch it - his professionalism drive and his passion around his bike riding and racing reminds me if you want something enough and put in the hard work then you'll get there. And I'm not stopping until I get to that top step.
How do you celebrate/relax after a big event
Well, during the season usually I have a nice meal/cake/ice cream you know, something yummy as a 'well done you' reward. I don't usually celebrate much apart from that treat as it is usually onto the next race. At the end of the season though, I take some time out of training and just ride with friends, see family and have a life for a while. I love riding my bike too much to put it away completely so usually I'll be out exploring new places and riding about with good company and having fun!
You can follow Katy on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Facebook page: facebook.com/katywinton
Twitter: @katywinton
Instagram: @misswinton