With the new circuit up and running in Lochgelly, we thought it was time to have a quick look at some of the things that have gone on in the first few months.
Cluster sessions
Friday summer nights at Fife Cycle Park.
Edinburgh Road Club in association with Scottish Cycling is arranging a series of events through 2018 for developing road racing skills.
These are open to all youth and junior riders in Scotland with birth years of 2000-2007.
There will be coach led groups suitable for:
* New riders that would like to race in youth or Junior races (usually Crits).
* Experienced Riders of all ages who would like to improve their road skills and riding in groups.
* Older riders who want more sustained effort and skill development.
Coaches will adjust groups as needed.
For more information contact the organiser Hugh Thomas via the event page
There has also been racing on the course! Synergy Cycles have completed a four race series and Edinburgh Road Club hosted two of the four races in the Harts Cyclery Crit Series at the Fife Cycle Park!
Scottish Cycling North East Regional Development Officer, Martin Harris organised the first Scottish Cycling National Championships at the Fife Cycle Park. In another first, it was the first time Martin had been able to watch his daughter Anna win a National Championship!
The circuit has several different configurations, have a look below at the some of the different ways to ride the course.
It fell to Scottish Cycling President Tom Bishop to present the Fife Cycle Park with a framed Team Scotland jersey from the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. The shirt has been signed by the team and now hangs on the wall inside.
The Fife Cycle Park at Lochgelly is a great facility with lots of opportunities to cycle in a safe and off road environment and is well worth a visit!