Scottish Cycling, through our Women’s Development Group and our Young People’s Panel are working together to increase the number of opportunities for girls to get involved and remain in the sport of Cycling.
We are launching the Scottish Cycling Active Girls Fund on sportscotland's Active Girls Day (Friday 4th October 2019) to give affiliated clubs the opportunity to put their ideas into action to increase and retain the number of girls within their clubs and the sport.
As a sport, women and girls are heavily under-represented, accounting for only around 15% of our members. We are committed to doing all we can to change this, and this fund is one part of this. Our new strategy, launching this October, has a strong emphasis on how we will be working over the next four years to increase the number of women and girls participating in our sport.
Clubs will have the opportunity to bid for up to £1000 and their project must meet one, or more, of the following objectives:
- Introduce the sport to girls who are not currently engaged in the sport or not currently a member of a club
- Increase the number of girls within the club
- Address barriers which prevent girls from participating in the sport
- Increase the number of female volunteers, coaches and leaders within clubs
- Increase the retention of teenage girls in the sport

Some examples of potential projects could be:
- Running a ‘Go-Ride Race’ with a variety of different activities to give girls the opportunity to test their skills and fitness while meeting new people and having fun.
- Training or upskilling female coaches or leaders to increase the number of female volunteers and role models within the club
- Recruiting new female coaches or leaders and covering the costs of their training (including coaching courses and Ride/MTB Leadership)
- Holding a series of ‘Come and Try’ cycling session, delivered by coaches within the club and supported by existing riders to give girls an insight into what a cycling club does
- Running a block of girls only sessions that works towards an identified target or goal
- Deliver a workshop focusing on girls development and puberty and how to cope with this whilst doing sport
The deadline for applications to the fund is midnight on Sunday 27th October.
If you have any questions regarding your application, please get in touch with the team by emailing