Scottish Cycling Regional Development Group Review

Scottish Cycling Regional Development Group Review


We want to ensure that Scottish Cycling is operating as effectively as possible. Connecting with our membership is fundamental to ensuring that we meet the needs of the sport, and over the years Regional Development Groups (RDGs) have played a key part in that connection.

Formerly known as Regional Centres, following a review and restructure in 2014, a new Regional Development Group structure was established. Since this was put in place, our Regional Development Groups have evolved with varying degrees of purpose and engagement. We want to review the function of these groups to ensure that they are as efficient as they can be whilst meeting the needs of the region.

The objective of this review will be to:

  1. Gain a clear understanding of the roles carried out in each RDG and the value that adds.
  2. Develop our understanding of the level of engagement of clubs in each RDG.
  3. Identify which areas RDG’s have identifiable impact.
  4. Improve consistency of the function of RDG’s.
  5. Identify how Scottish Cycling can best support regional activity in the future.
  6. Update governing documents to accurately reflect RDG function.

The review will begin in October 2020 with a proposal being presented to the SC Board by January 2021. The intention thereafter is to implement any recommendations at the start of the 2021 financial year (April).

It is our intention that we will work closely with members in 2021 to understand the impact of the recommendations, capture experience and measure the success of the implementation. This will allow us to ensure that regions continue to meet the needs identified.

All members will have the opportunity to feed into this review through a survey which will be circulated through Club Secretaries and be available through the website and social media. Key volunteers, RDG Chair’s and staff will be interviewed to gain an understanding of their experience of and the role they believe RDGs could/should perform.