2020 Scottish Cycling Awards: Club of the Year

2020 Scottish Cycling Awards: Club of the Year


Scottish Cycling are thrilled to announce the winner for the 2020 Scottish Cycling Coach of the Year Award supported by Digby Brown LLP.

The Scottish Cycling Club of the Year Award recognises a club that has demonstrated a commitment to development, resulting in increased participation, inclusion and diversity in its membership.

Club of the Year Nominations

Glasgow Gals

This club continues to grow and develop is a way that clearly brings people together.  The nominations have a real sense of belonging and friendliness to them. We got a sense that everyone feels that they are a part of something special and meaningful.  Gaining funding to enable them to financially support people by reducing financial and equipment barriers is demonstrating good practice and resilience during Covid.  This club continues to grow and develop and we look forward to seeing what comes next.


This club has clearly demonstrated an ongoing resilience and best practice throughout Covid.  The nominations show a real warmth from the members and an appreciation for a well organised and inspirational committee.  The main lead brings innovative ideas that develop riders’ life skills and the pathway is clearly about lifelong participation and skill development, secondary outcome being performance.  What struck us most was the clear engagement of all riders, a strong gender equality and provision to meet the needs of participants.  Any club that engages girls and young women to develop a sense of pride in their cycling involvement (not based on performance) is a winner.  Engagement throughout the tier system has been inspirational and has clearly been a lifeline for many.  This will stand them in a strong position as we all recover and grow from the pandemic.   I believe this club demonstrates excellent good practice and leadership as well as a true sense of community and warmth, it clearly has a strong sense of belonging to the community and be inspirational to others.

West Lothian Clarion

The nomination for this club listed many inspirational ideas employed through lockdown in ensuring members were engaged and inspired to ride.  We were impressed with how they have adapted to the challenges of Covid, and managed to keep in touch with the members and developing a wider community following in the toughest of times. There are many areas of good practice to come from this that other clubs can find inspiration from.

And the winner of the Scottish Cycling Club of the Year Award announced by Kerry MacPhee is...K.I.C.C

Congratulations to all shortlisted nominees and thank you to everyone who submitted nominations. We were overwhelmed by the quality of nominations are very proud of the cycling community in Scotland for their ongoing commitment to the sport #PowerofSport