International Women's Day: What keeps me motivated to cycle?


Today, Monday 8th March 2021, is International Women’s Day (IWD), the global day to celebrate the achievements of women and promote gender equality.

Women in cycling are significantly outnumbered by men. For example, membership of British Cycling in Scotland is around 80% male and 20% female. The Scottish Cycling strategy is committed to increasing diversity, identifying women as a key focus for this aim.

Our Women’s Development Group supports the Scottish Cycling strategic aim of growing the number of women in cycling. During the pandemic the group has continued to meet online, getting involved in projects and initiatives to raise awareness and promote the increased involvement of women and girls in cycling.

To recognise International Women’s Day we have two members of the group, Kris Kumari and Fiona Walker, on the #SCTalks panel discussion event: Cycling Through the Menopause. They will share their experience and strategies, contributing to raising awareness and educating people about this important stage in a woman’s life.

Members of the Women’s Development Group have also been telling us how they have been maintaining their motivation to cycle during the pandemic. We’re sharing their words here in celebration of IWD and women in cycling. The theme for IWD in 2021 is ‘Choose to Challenge’. We hope these women’s stories challenge the fallacy that cycling is a male sport and inspire more women to get involved.

What keeps me motivated to cycle?

Amy Hickman

Being outdoors and moving, preferably by bike, keeps my head happy. So far 2021 weather has been challenging, sucking at my motivation. I finally succumbed to Zwift - a better option than not riding a bike!! But spring is here, days are longer and riding outside is becoming more appealing again.

Fiona Walker

In October, I got a new laptop which meant I could join Zwift. I was instantly hooked, after one solo ride I entered a race. It's not all about the racing though.  Group rides on Zwift allow you to have virtual chats with the riders around you. It has been great to be able to ride with friends that I haven’t seen since March and catch up. I have also met lots of new people. I still miss real life group rides and races but Zwift has motivated me to keep training for when they are eventually allowed again.

Jacqueline Ferguson

I love being 'self-propelled' - cycling is great for that, it helps me stay strong and healthy and is good for the environment too.

Leanne Farmer

I love the feeling of being totally independent and free to go wherever I want and under my own steam. I love feeling fit and coming off a ride wet and muddy! I also get enormous amount of pleasure teaching and supporting others helping them discover the joy of cycling.

Kris Kumari

I cycle because it gives me freedom, keeps me fit, and it’s fun!

Kirsteen Durkin

Cycling is an escapism from lockdown, a good way to clear my head and get stuck into some exercise. Being active helps with sleep and the feel-good factor lasts a couple of days. I've connected with friends I used to cycle with a decade ago so that's really nice and virtual cycles mean you can cycle anytime easily so it breaks up the day. Getting out and about brings a sense of freedom and a break from technology. Exploring my local area more since lockdown has increased my appreciation of what is on my doorstep and I've made some new local friends along the way.

Leanne Whitehead

Getting out in the fresh air and blowing the cobwebs away. I work indoors, in a room with no natural light at all so just getting outside is amazing, and even better if its somewhere pretty (I'm lucky to have fab trails near me) and with a friend (socially distanced of course).

Sally Devlin

For me it's all about the adventure and exploring on the bike. Planning new routes and looking at previous great experiences motivates me to get out there, the after feeling from a great experience is hard to beat. Adventures don't have to be epic either, I love simply finding new routes close to home or finding a stunning local new (to me) viewpoint to grab a nice photo and making no two rides the same. I am motivated to do these shorter local rides as you know they help you to build up the fitness and experience to take on longer 'epic' days, the fitter and better prepared I feel the more I enjoy them.

Pauline Capaldi

It’s hard when working from home to get some proper “me time” so nothing better than jumping on the bike and heading out onto quieter roads and an escape from zoom! Cycling gives me headspace when back after travelling for work too and it is time to get my thoughts together and I love cycling to the coast to breathe in the sea air oh and a coffee and bacon roll or cake eaten outside is just the business! I’ve also really appreciated nature carrying on as normal and at times it’s hard to believe that we are in a pandemic when out in the beautiful open air.

Amanda Tweedie

My motivation to keep cycling comes from the many different ways I enjoy getting out on the bike - sometimes it’s my quiet time, other times it’s for sharing family time, or catching up with friends, or sometimes it’s driven by fitness and competition, or even just to go and blast some trails getting muddy!!

Melanie Toner

I love cycling, I love bicycles, and I love pushing myself to go faster and get fitter. Zwift has been my lifesaver during the pandemic, and I have discovered a love of Zwift racing. Cycling is exhilarating, joyful, sociable, adventurous and fun. This is what keeps me motivated. And chocolate helps too.

For more information on the work of Scottish Cycling Women’s Development Group contact Melanie Toner on:

January Meeting Minutes