Scottish Cycling is excited to offer another club the opportunity to work in partnership with us to recruit and deploy a part time development officer in your club
With the 2023 Cycling World Championships on the horizon, Scottish Cycling are committed to ensuring that our network of safe, progressive and inclusive clubs are well-positioned to maximise the opportunities that this event presents.
A key component of this is our exciting Accelerate and Activate programme. This involves Scottish Cycling working in partnership with clubs to recruit, manage and deploy a paid role, working 15 hours a week to support the development of the club. Club Development Officers will have a number of headline outcomes that they will work towards achieving, with particular focus on areas such as membership growth, grassroots events, led rides and the development of programmes for under-represented groups.
This opportunity was offered to clubs on the Progression Programme, and, following an application and assessment process, the following four clubs secured investment:
Deeside Thistle Cycling Club
Falkirk Junior Bike Club
Royal Albert Cycling Club (Clydesdale Colts)
West Lothian Clarion Cycling Club
After nearly a year of working with these first four clubs, we're now delighted to offer the opportunity to a fifth club to come on board and work in partnership with Scottish Cycling.
A full overview of the investment can be found via this briefing document here.
To apply, your club will be required to complete and return a Business Case for the investment. The template for this can be downloaded here.
We have one available space and we expect this to be a competitive programme. All applicant clubs will be provided with feedback and will be supported by the Club Development Team to ensure that they are investment ready should other opportunities arise in the future.
We would encourage any clubs considering applying to send an email to discuss their plans.
The new deadline to apply is Sunday 25th September at 2355. All completed business cases must be emailed to