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Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome - Construction is Underway
21st June 2011
Images By: Thomas Banks
Latest images of the NISA & Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome.
14 February 2011
Images By: Thomas Banks
In the first, second and third images you can see the recent brickwork progress that has been made on the outer walls of the velodrome in more detail. In the second image, support beams have been installed to the NISA 'hub' (grey-concrete, mid-section). Other images show the progress thats been made to the air conditiong ducts, For future updates on the construction of the NISA & Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, be sure to check back here.
click here for full-size (129KB)
click here for full-size (123KB)
click here for full-size (119KB)
click here for full-size (119KB)
click here for full-size (133KB)
click here for full-size (178KB)
1 February 2011
Images By: Thomas Banks
Updates from the weekend over at the NISA & Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome. You can see that the ducting for the air conditioning system is now taking shape in the roof void, but whilst not as obvious, the brickwork for the outer walls is now underway and can be seen at the bottom of each photo.
click here for full-size (136KB)
click here for full-size (171KB)
click here for full-size (135KB)
10 January 2011
Photos By: Thomas Banks
Fresh updates this week, courtesy of Thomas Banks, shows the amount of hard work that has been done to the overall roof structure of the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome. As construction continues throughout 2011, be sure to check back here for the latest updates. If you would like to submit your own photos, please email all photos to
Click for Full size (JPEG)
Click for Full size (JPEG)
Click for Full size (JPEG)
21 November 2010
Photos By: Thomas Banks
Updates this week are from Thomas Banks, providing images of the construction work that has been completed over the last two and a half weeks. For future velodrome updates be sure to check back here.
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5 | Photo 6 | Photo 7
4 November 2010
Photos By: Martin Bowie
Three additional ariel images of the NISA (National Indoor Sports Arena) and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome were submitted this morning, courtesy of Matin Bowie. These images were taking in the earlier stages of construction and give you a great insight into how huge this project really is. Full sized images can be seen by clicking the links under the corresponding image.
Click here for full size (JPEG)
Click here for full size (JPEG)
Click here for full size (JPEG)
3 November 2010
Photos By: Thomas Banks
Thomas Banks has submitted another set of photos which were taken last week outside the Sir Chris Hoy velodrome. By comparing these photos to the last set, you can clearly see the rapid progress that has been made to the white overhead structures. Another layer has also been added to the velodrome roof section. Be sure to check back soon for more updates.
The photos below show the progress made from the 14th-23rd October.
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5
14 October 2010
Photos By: Thomas Banks
The photos this week show even more progress that has been made to the sides and roof structure of the NISA over the last fornight.
The 300-tonne, column-free trusses (seen below) each span 93 metres in length. The structures were constructed on the ground in two sections before being connected in the air and lifted into place by two 400-tonne cranes..
29 September
Photos By: Thomas Banks
These latest images submitted courtesy of Thomas Banks, shows a big leap forward in the development of the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow.
The photos below show the side and roof structure of the velodrom hall taking shape.
Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4
3 August 2010
Video by: Inlightin 3D Visualisation Studio
Fly-through of the National Indoor Sports Arena and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome to be built in Glasgow.
30 July 2010
Report by Gary Willis - (Scottish Cycling's Performance Manager)
The first aerial pictures of the new National Indoor Sports Arena (NISA) and Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome have been captured by Glasgow Life (formally Culture and Sport Glasgow). The picture marks the start of the building works to create one of the most modern Velodromes in the world that will house the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Other major events that will take place in the lead into the Commonwealth Games include a UCI World Track Cycling Cup and UCI Junior World Championships. The sir Chris Hoy Velodrome will continue to provide a lasting legacy to Cycling and Sport in Scotland after the Commonwealth Games and provide a world class training and competition facility that will support existing and new cyclists in Scotland. Not in the picture is a one kilometre closed road circuit that as been inventively incorporated into the grounds of the site. This facility will provide additional training and competition opportunities for Scottish Cyclists.
Gary Willis, Scottish Cycling’s Performance Manager has been working closely with Glasgow Life in the design of the Velodrome:
“Scottish Cycling has been involved right from the initial design concept for the facility. Every step of the way Glasgow Life has sought Scottish Cycling’s input to deliver a Velodrome that will be one of the best in the world and meet the needs of Scottish Cyclists in the future. Cyclists have been at the very centre of every design decision taken, from how far the toilets are from the track centre to the width of the doors to allow people to carry bikes on their shoulder. Spectators too have been at the centre of the design with uninterrupted views of the track with the inside barrier being made of a super tough safety glass similar to other tracks around the world. The Velodrome will provide an exhilarating experience for competitors and spectators and I am looking forward to seeing the doors open for the first time.”
The picture shows:
- The Velodrome outline can be seen at the bottom of the picture. Including the foundations for the under track access, stair access for competitors and emergency exits.
- The NISA “hub” can be seen in the middle of the picture. The four towers pictured are the stairwells and elevator shafts. This will be a 5 story building with café, crèche, state of the art Gym, strength and conditioning platforms, sports science facilities and a large number of high specification changing facilities.
- At the top of the picture is the indoor arena which will house a number of sports and major events including athletics, volleyball and badminton.
Glasgow Life will be aiming to provide periodic pictures on Scottish Cycling’s website showing the continued development of the NISA and Velodrome.