Scottish Cycling Coaching FAQs

Scottish Cycling Coaching FAQs


Updated: 11 February 2014

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 The Scottish Cycling development team have prepared an extensive set of frequently asked questions, which will hopefully guide you through the wide range of options now available for the aspiring coach.

If you have a query which is not outlined below, please contact and we will do our best to answer your question directly.

  • When do the Scottish Cycling Coach Education courses take place?

Coach Education Courses run all year round at venues across the country. For the latest Course Programme please see our Coaching Course Dates above.

  • What will I learn by taking part in a Coach Education course? 

All our entry and intermediate coaching awards deal with teaching groups in traffic free environments. The focus is on technique and skill development and fun. In a generic environment such as a school playground or park cones and other artificial markers are used to define areas and enhance communication. During our assessment days we use relatively flat and controlled surfaces, defined by cones which can give a false sense of what is expected from our coaches in their clubs. We would encourage our coaches to think beyond just laying out cones and seek out their own creative uses of their coaching venues whilst keeping to the limitations of their award. We are happy to advise and mentor clubs and coaches whilst making these choices. It is only at the level 3 awards that we insure coaches to work one-on-one with athletes or conduct sessions on the public highway. 

  • Is there any funding available to assist with the costs of a Coaching Award?

There are a number of funding options available to coaches:

All applicants to the 'core' UKCC level 2 who are members of Scottish Cycling affiliated clubs can apply for our Funding Scheme. A reimbursement of up to £100 from the UKCC level 2 course fees is available. The highest proportion of funding will be repaid to those coaches working towards youth development in SC clubs upon full completion of the award.

Many Local Authorities also have access to coaching development funds and grants such as Awards for All can be applied for to cover a range of future club development projects. Our team of Regional Development Coaches are ideally placed to be able to answer your questions on the best way to obtain additional funding, please contact us on for more information.

Please note: funding must be in place BEFORE embarking on the coaching pathway.  Sourcing external funding can be a timely process.

  • Why should I be a member of British Cycling to attend a Coaching course?

British Cycling membership (Gold, SIlver or Ride) provides coaches, leaders and instructors with Professional Indemnity insurance (to an indemnity limit of £5m) and Public Liability insurance (to an indemnity limit of £10m) so long as they hold either a valid Coaching qualification or instruction qualification together with a valid First Aid certificate.

For more information regarding the insurance benefits to coaches, leaders and instructors who are British Cycling members, visit our Legal and Insurance page.

  • What first aid qualification do I require?

The minimum first aid requirement for all Coaching Awards is the equivalent of a Health and Safety Executive recognised course in Emergency Aid. These courses are run by various first aid organisations including the Red Cross and St. John's Ambulance. Qualification are normally valid for a period of 3 years. You are required to submit a copy of your First Aid Certificate when first applying for a course or as soon as possible. Thereafter, it is your responsibility to ensure that the certificate is kept valid by attending update courses. Your British Cycling coaching licence and insurance is only valid when you are in possession of a current first aid certificate and valid British Cycling membership (gold,silver or ride level) If you do not have your first aid in place by the time you start your course your practical coaching may be delayed.

Scottish Cycling members are eligible for a 10% discount on the cost of St Andrew's First Aid courses, please contact Scottish Cycling to obtain the discount code.

  • Who can attend a Coaching Course?

Our courses are open to all British Cycling Gold, Silver or Ride Members who hold a valid first aid certificate. We have courses aimed at people new to coaching (e.g interested parents, riders, sports science graduates) through to experienced coaches looking to improve/update their knowledge. 

  • Are the Scottish Cycling Coaching Awards recognised nationally?

Our existing programme has been developed in line with the UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) and are aligned to the National Occupational Standards for Coaching, Teaching and Instruction as defined by SPRITO, the National Training Organisation (NTO) for Sport, Recreation and Allied Occupations. These standards define the minimum level of knowledge and competence that someone must have to be able to coach others and are linked to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Scottish Qualifications Framework (SCQF). It is our goal to continue to produce courses that are accredited onto the NQF and SCQF in the future.

  • What do I have to do to keep my qualification valid?

Once you have gained your British Cycling Coaching Award, you will need to maintain the following in order to benefit from the insurance package and to retain a valid coaching licence:

  • British Cycling membership (gold or silver level)
  • Valid first aid qualification

We encourage all of our qualified coaches to keep their knowledge and skills up to date by attending regular CPD workshops, courses and events. As our course programme develops attending regular CPD will become a requirement of keeping your coaching qualification valid. 

  • Now that Club Coach and Activity Coach Awards are no longer being delivered by British Cycling, is my qualification still valid?

If you are currently a qualified Activity Coach or Club Coach then your qualification will remain valid for the foreseeable future. To keep your qualification valid you must hold British Cycling membership at a minimum of silver level and hold a valid first aid certificate. Trainee coaches should aim to complete their coaching award before their deadline in order to keep their qualification valid.

  • Can I lead with a mountain bike coaching award?

Coaches and leaders relying on British Cycling insurance have a continued responsibility to ensure they have the most appropriate award in relation to their operating environment. Following the launch of British Cycling's level 2 Mountain Bike Discipline Specific Unit (L2 MTB DSU) anyone undertaking coaching within a mountain bike environment on technical terrain should ensure that they obtain both the core UKCC level 2 award and the MTB DSU.

The L2MTB DSU does allow an element of leading on a pre-risk assessed route. It is recommended that the distance and severity of the route is minimised and reflects the ability of your group. The route should only be used to access the coaching area or observe the riders ability, there should be no coaching along that route.

A combination of both a leadership award and a coaching award allows for the greatest degree of flexibility in delivery.

If you have a query which is not outlined above, please contact and we will do our best to answer your question directly.