Welsh Cycling Support Operation Snap

Welsh Cycling Support Operation Snap


Operation Snap now allows members of the public throughout Wales to submit footage and images showing traffic offences being committed.

Initially devised and piloted by the GoSafe unit in North Wales Police and the Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, the operation has now been introduced Wales-wide following further developments by South Wales Police and GoSafe. It will give members of the public the power to assist forces in taking action against those who put other road users at risk.

South Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable, Jeremy Vaughan, said: “Operation Snap enables people to submit footage of motoring offences to all Welsh police forces, allowing us take action, change attitudes and deal with those who compromise all our safety on our roads.

“Following a trial phase, a number of improvements were made including the way in which footage can now be submitted.  This is now a very simple and streamlined process.

“This provides us with the ability target those who drive dangerously and reduce the number of fatal or serious road related accidents that occur on our roads.Operation Snap is for all roads users – from pedestrians to cyclists, motorcyclists, horse riders and drivers of all vehicles.

“If you have recorded anyone driving dangerously, then you can help us by submitting your footage online. By supporting this operation you are reminding those that drive dangerously on Wales’ roads that there is nowhere to hide.”

Inspector Steve Davies who delivered Operation Snap on behalf of South Wales Police stated, “Police officers cannot be everywhere, as much as they try, but with Operation Snap the police could be anywhere.

“The aim of this initiative is to change driver behaviour and their mind-set behind the wheel. We want drivers to ask themselves two questions: firstly, am I being recorded? and secondly, do I really want to take that chance?”

Chief Executive Officer at Welsh Cycling, Anne Adams-King said "As the governing body of Cycling in Wales, rider safety is on top of our priorities.

"Operation Snap will now allow cyclists who are wearing a recording device to submit footage of dangerous driving.

"We fully support this scheme, and hope that it'll prevent the dangerous behaviours of drivings - and make them more aware of others on the road.

To submit footage to any of the four Welsh Police Forces, visit https://gosafesnap.wales/ or https://gosafesnap.cymru